# State Blog Network

50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Thanks to Betsy Muse of BlueNC for compiling this roundup and writing the text that goes with it. -desmoinesdem  

We’re down to the final days before the North Carolina and Indiana primaries.  We have a complete primer on the North Carolina primary process posted at BlueNC.  

Blue Indiana has this first in a series posted at this link.  

In North Carolina the excitement has spilled over to the down ballot races.  It’s the biggest year I can remember in my voting life.  I was 14 the last time North Carolina had a say in who would be the Democratic nominee.  I’m almost 46.  At this rate it may never happen again in my life, so I’m enjoying every minute of it.  I can even get past the negative ads so that I can celebrate the unprecedented voter registration numbers and so that I’m prepared to help the other North Carolina races take advantage of the organization efforts once all eyes are on to the next state.  

The rest of the the roundup is after the jump.

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Thanks, as always, to Betsy Muse of BlueNC for this roundup. -desmoinesdem

It’s Spring Break here in our neck of North Carolina. We’re Tar Heel fans, so are glued to the tube during March Madness. Unfortunately, North Carolina is in for a different type of March Madness as the Clinton and Obama campaigns descend on the state. We have a short roundup this week while many of our state bloggers take a much needed break. Enjoy!

The roundup is after the jump.

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Thanks, as usual, to Betsy Muse of BlueNC for the roundup. -desmoinesdem

After an unexpected absence last week, I’m back and so is the 50 State Blog Roundup.

How’s the tension at your favorite national blog community?  Take a break from all the nastiness and drop by your favorite state blog for a change.  Look in on our statewide and local races…..just stay away from the presidential primary threads.  They bring a whole new meaning to March madness!

After the jump are a few posts from last week and the roundup for March 14, 2008.

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Thanks again to Betsy of BlueNC for the roundup.-desmoinesdem

This week finds many of us burning the candles at both ends.  We see campaigns gearing up in North Carolina as the time for filing to run for public office comes to a close at noon today.  Campaigns are looking to hire “internet outreach coordinators” for the first time and BlueNC has been announced as a venue for an open forum discussion between our two Democratic gubernatorial candidates.  Imagine seeing that in the newspaper and realizing we didn’t have a date set for the event!  We will also host a debate or forum between at least three of the four candidates for Lt. Gov. in NC.  Just yesterday we received confirmation from a candidate for senate that she will live-blog at BlueNC.  Check out the other state blogs on the list and on the Open Left and MyDD state blogrolls.  

The rest of the roundup is after the jump.

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup, late edition

Thanks to Betsy for the roundup, which came while I was in the hospital. -desmoinesdem

Rick Renzi’s under indictment, Sue Myrick gets caught with her fingers in the cookie jar – possibly legally, Patrick McHenry has questions surrounding just about everything he does, John Shadegg can’t make up his mind. How many more Republicans will get caught up in legal or ethical controversies prior to November?

One way to stay on top of this is to follow along with the state blogs. We’re discussing our congress critters and their shenanigans long before it hits the national scene. Stop by. Check us out. You too can be the first to know.

The roundup for last week is after the jump.

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Thanks again to Betsy of BlueNC for this week’s roundup. -desmoinesdem

   Phillip Martin of Burnt Orange Report lays out the strategy of how Barack Obama can win Texas.  

   First recorded version of Ginsberg’s HOWL was in Berkley, right? Nope–a new discovery puts it at Portland’s Reed College, 52 years ago this Valentine’s Day.  

   Clinton, Obama campaigning for – but not IN – Michigan

   desmoinesdem discusses the preferences of Iowa’s superdelegates and notes that Democracy for America has endorsed Ed Fallon, who is challenging incumbent Leonard Boswell in the primary to represent Iowa’s third Congressional district.

New York
   The Daily Gotham diagnoses a rebellion among national Democrats and wonders what that means for the State of New York.

   As the focus on the Democratic Presidential Primary shifts to Texas, Fort Worth Is Fired Up and Ready to Go!

   Incumbent Republican John Shadegg is out of the picture in AZ CD3 and Bob Lord has received increased support from local and national Democrats.  

   Arnold Schwarzenegger talks a big game about putting all options on the table, but won’t be forthright about the need to raise revenue.

New Mexico
   New Mexico’s filing deadline came and went this week, and now we know who is running for the three open House and one open Senate seats.  Fun times.

   Republican State Rep. Nancy Wagner uses earmarks to give her husband a job.  Rev. Chris Bullock announces his candidacy for Delaware’s sole congressional seat.  State Sen. Harris McDowell delays Delaware’s move to wind power with meaningless hearings.  

    RK Conference Call with Gov. Kaine.  

South Dakota
    What Was That You Were Saying, Gov. Rounds?

   Is Utah the worlds nuclear landfill?

West Virginia
   W.Va. state Sen. Hunter says “I introduced Senate Bill 588 because I fervently believe that God did not intend for us to destroy the mountains, the streams, the forests and His people in order to mine coal.”  Jay the Telcom Operator: Sen Rockefeller’s unwavering support of telco immunity earns him a new nickname “One Ringy-Dingy Rocky” (with a must-see photoplay by OneCitizen).

   SurveyUSA indicates a dead heat between incumbent Republican Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken.

   Mooncat brings us a heartbreaker on Valentines Day.  Read about payday lenders preying on the elderly and disabled.

   At Squarestate, David Sirota is reporting a Colorado Superdelegate plans to ignore the will of Colorado voters.

North Carolina
   At BlueNC, Jerimee reports that Congressman Brad Miller has taken a leadership role in passing the contempt resolution.

   Shays embarrasses Connecticut…..again.

   At Uppity Wisconsin, xoff says Wisconsin doesn’t need another presidential debate.

   At Tondee’s Tavern we find tha Rep. David Scott flipped to Obama and Rep. John Lewis is looking that way.

   At 43rd State Blues Idahogie takes on the Super Delegate petitions floating around with a convincing argument.

   At Prairie State Blue, Michael in Chicago writes about raising Democratic visibility.

   Must see video at Blue Indiana.  An Indiana State Rep., John Elrod (R) is caught on tape doing campaign work during a legislative session.  

   Donna Edwards wins! And Eric looks at the implications of that victory.

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

[Betsy at BlueNC helms the update again this week…]

This week we bring you double the pleasure in our 50 State Blog Roundup. Real life threw me a curve ball last week and I wasn't able to follow through with the roundup. My apologies. You will find last week's roundup tagging along at the end. Without further delay, here's what's going on locally at our state community blogs:

   Tim Walz — first-term congressman and Democratic National Convention superdelegate — endorsed Barack Obama's presidential bid this week.

   desmoinesdem discusses the dispute between Iowa's governor and secretary of state (both Democrats) over the best fix for paperless voting machines.

   The Primaries are coming to Louisiana… and Daily Kingfish is torn between the two candidates remaining. Although Daily Kingfish is undecided, Ryan is sick of the all spin being put on the Louisiana internets about how Hillary hasn't released a plan to deal with the Gulf Region. Locally, Governor PBJ's Ethics Plan has some serious holes, and is facing criticism from the Ethics Board themselves!

{much more under the fold!}

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

This week’s round-up comes courtesy of Betsy at BlueNC. -Chris

Happy New Year and Congratulations to Iowa Democrats on the excellent turnout for yesterday’s caucuses.

Below is an abbreviated roundup for our 50-State community blogs. Enjoy reading up on what’s important in states across the country. Onward to New Hampshire!

Go to the extended entry to read more…

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

UPDATE from desmoinesdem: just wanted to note that the one celebrating the birthday is Robert P of BlueNC, who did this compilation.

Today’s 50-state blog roundup is brought to you by the letters B, N, and

C – BlueNC. Major, major hat-tip to

Betsy, who really did all the work. If you aren’t reading your state’s

blog, you should be, because “all politics is local” should be more than

a motto. This is an interesting week, the Presidential Primary is

heating up in the early states (see below), while Virginia holds a

special election next Tuesday. At the same time state legislatures seem

to be trying and sneak in some iffy legislation before the holiday

season. Enjoy!

p.s. It’s my birthday this weekend, I’ll keep celebrating until I turn 40.

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See the roundup below the fold…

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

This week’s roundup is brought to you by Clem Guttata of West Virginia Blue with a major assist from Mike Paulle. Thank you Mike!



















































Edwards buys rebuttal time.

Culture of corruption?

Diarist yinn digs deep, going where Bush war enablers Mark Kirk and Judy Biggert are RINOs.

Opposing the dirty tricks campaign. | Governator kills Iraq vote. | Chemical Manufacturers were able to buy enough votes to hold off some end-of-session legislation, with some Democrats voting the wrong way in the Senate

Colorado has turned Blue. | The Colorado Green party is being dishonest in its tactics against Congressman Mark Udall | Read Colorado cheers and jeers

Lamont Wins!Oh my.

Would Biden plan work?

Georgia is a Red State and thus supports Bush and the Iraq War, right? Tondee’s Tavern’s look at a recent poll might surprise you.

Craig seal of approval.

Will Iowa Clinton backers caucus?

Petraeus: Saint or Suck-Up

Vitter the stud.

Bob Kerrey is back in action.

Free State Politics took note of the recent outbreak of hate crimes in Maryland. Scary stuff.

Defeating Boehner would be a small price to pay.

Hsu contribution tests Tester.

Pistol-packing teachers in Michigan classrooms? Thank you, House Republicans.

Norm Coleman’s lead in his 2008 Senate race is shrinking rapidly.

Hagel’s friends.

Hagel’s forecast. Why he has such good friends.

Clark County Chief Deputy District Attorney Robert Daskas has filed papers with the FEC to challenge Congressman Jon Porter (R, NV-03). His campaign will be managed by Tessa Hafen’s campaign manager. Hafen lost narrowly last year. This is one of the top pick-up opportunities in the West.
New Mexico

Kos says we still suck. ActBlue, too?
New York

Very naughty bad, bad liberals.
North Carolina

Peacenik Liddy Dole?

Sooner spirit.

Smoke, fire? and comments.
Rhode Island

The RI legislature will be returning to override vetoes of bills to end mandatory minimums, domestic partner benefits & youth voter pre-registration

If any citizen journalist needs inspiration to keep going, point them to Texas Kaos, where TXSharon shares how one of the largest dailies in the state, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Edits LTE to match (their) bias.

2008? Texas candidates are already getting their ducks in a row for 2010

Ralph Becker’s mayoral campaign hitting its stride.

Netroots for Virginia.

Biskupic happy to testify in the Georgia Thompson case.
South Dakota

There’s bi-partisan agreement on the 2008 SD-Sen race.
New Hampshire

Continuing to leverage their access to Dem. Presidential candidates, this week’s policy poll is on China.

Republican robo callers may yet be brought to justice.
New Jersey

Here’s good news for reproductive freedoms in New Jersey. It’s also good news for science-based court decisions.

The details are sickening. A judge has to ask what’s wrong with the Republican party in Michigan?

Racism takes many forms. Brown is the new black.

Governor Matt Blunt’s Chief of Staff caught in a lie.

A Yankee state blog takes a crack at understanding the Southern voter psyche.

A thought-provoking alternative history: what if Timothy McVeigh had never been caught?

A thought for the Jewish New Year 5768

Anti-gay activist David Crowe makes bizarre and disgusting 9/11 comparison.

Chet unloads a wagon of snark.

IL-03 has a Bush-Dog Democrat.

Clark says Skelton Gets It Right, McCaskill Gets It Wrong.
New York

Nancy Scola asks What If You Leaked 30,000,000 Gallons of Oil and No One Really Cared All That Much?

Drug court graduates largest class ever.
West Virginia

For anyone new to W.Va. politics, you might be surprised to learn how the political families of Dem. Gov. Joe Manchin and Republican Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (WV-02) are related.

50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Welcome to this week’s roundup, brought to you by Clem G. of West Virginia Blue. So much for August as a slow news month… there’s plenty to dig into here.

Of Special Note

* Congratulations to The Albany Project. As Phillip Anderson puts it,

I’d have to say the highlight of our week was the Governor stopping by to congratulate us on a great convention in Chicago and inform our readers that he will soon be starting a regular liveblogging gig at The Albany Project. it’s pretty cool.

* MyLeftNutmeg recaps the many stories of the one year aniversary of Ned Lamont’s primary victory. Lamont’s victory, showing Democrats the power of embracing the Democratic Party, led directly to our 2008 general election gains.

Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

* Wasatch Watcher asks: Does mine boss Robert Murray care about the trapped miners?

* Square State has the sad story of Outrageous Discrimination Against Latino Citizens.

* RI Future questions why Republican Gov. Don Carcieri is using taxpayer dollars on a right-wing lawyer to oppose a same sex marriage dispute in the RI Supreme Court.

* Yoda of PrairieStateBlue walks a picket line with John Edwards.

* BlueMassGroup discusses the LGBT presidential forum.

* Left In The West has the reality-based view of Idaho’s wild fire season (it’s shaping up to be a bad one).

* BlueHampshire has a captivating diary on the need for substantive debate on predatory lending and mortgage servicing fraud (as well as the frustrations of being a citizen prop for a Presidential campaign).

* At TexasKaos the look into capital punishment rates and wonder why the state of Texas is so keen to kill its citizens.

All Politics are Local

* It’s impossible to keep up with everything in a huge state like California. For a one two stop hit of top stories, visit Calitics for this week’s roundup of state stories and highlight of Calitics local stories.

* Burnt Orange Report announces an exciting initiative: TexBlog PAC.

* Don’t let the Republicans find out, but Green Mountain Daily lets slip the news that sometimes government really does work.

* KeyStone Politics has the disappointing news of Philadelphia schools dropping “recognition months”.

On Blogging

*PrairieStateBlue writes in praise of lurkers.

* Bleeding Heartland wonders if political blogs have a higher tolerance for dissent than non-political blogs. Interesting question. What do you think?

* Turn Maine Blue lays down some guidelines for candidates posting on the front-page.

* The Daily Gotham tells “what we publish, how, and why”.

Candidates and Elections

* My Silver State tells of a encouraging visit (with video) by Obama to Elko.

* West Virginia Blue notes wildly popular Gov. Manchin may have long coat-tails with straight party ticket voting in West Virginia in 2008.

* Wasatch Watcher reports: Barack Obama stops over in Utah.

* Check out a new congressional candidate and a new (maybe) congressional candidate at Michigan Liberal.

* AZ Netroots continues their loud cry for help. Why isn’t there a Democratic challenger yet for AZ-01?

* In Watching the Right in Florida FLA Politics announces a network of blogs to, well, watch the right in Florida!

* Tondee’s Tavern is pleased Bill Gillespie is making moves to enter GA-01 race.

* At Blue Indiana, candidate Barry Walsh (IN-06) diaries about his formal announcement of candidacy.

* Daily Kingfish dissects the LA-GOV race to conclude… Jindal can be beaten.

* Blue Jersey makes the case against Republican Rep. Jim Saxton (NJ-03)

* BlueNC has some cool news. Dem. challenger Larry Kissell (NC-08) is welcoming Ambassador Joe Wilson to the state for a fund-raiser.

* Jerid reflects on his summer in New Hampshire for Buckeyestateblog.

* State Sen. Andrew Rice’s announcement of a U.S. Senate bid against Jim Inhofe is the big news at Blue Oklahoma.

* Horse’s Ass (WA) reminds us all why Darcy Burner is a netroots hero (w/ video)

Politicians, Governing and Mis-Governing

* From Michigan Liberal: the short-lived blog ban by the MI Senate is now over.

* Left In Alabama points out the self-serving nature of the Republican governor’s proposed reforms.

* Susan Collins (ME) is caught at Turn Maine Blue holding a farce of a virtual town hall meeting.

* Free State Politics reminds us, it’s not too early to start thinking about NCLB Reauthorization

* What is the connection between Peter Smith, Tim Pawlenty, and the I35 bridge collapse? MN Campaign Report has the answer.

* Fired Up! Missouri wonders why Gov. Matt Blunt is asking Supreme Court nominees 111 questions.

* NMFBIHOP notes the US Attorney scandal is refocusing on Republican Rep. Heather Wilson.

* Rumsfield v. Kucinich (video)is the highlight at AsOhioGoes.

* Upitty Wisconsin finds the ring wing compalining because Republican Attorney General follows the law.

* At West Virginia Blue Carnacki more attentions pays to what vulnerable Republian Rep. Capito (WV-02) does than what she says.

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Welcome once again to the 50-State Blog Roundup, brought to you this week from LoadedOrygun‘s TJ, one of the state blog rookies. Treat him kindly…

Left in Alabama
Congressman Artur Davis’s aides are dropping hints about a gubernatorial run in 2010.
Got formaldehyde-laden trailers you need to get rid of? Bring ’em on down to Arizona, FEMA!
The California GOP is heavy in debt, can’t pay the loans– and it’s making their position in budget battles look totally foolish.
Colorado’s congressional representatives Tom Tancredo goes national with an old Colorado ploy in his attack on SCHIP, holding child health care hostage over suspect claims of an issue concerning (guess what) immigration security.
My Left Nutmeg
My Left Nutmeg shows homestate pride in hosting the Chris Dodd smackdown of Bill O’Reilly, video version at last. Still priceless.
Delaware Liberal
Mike Castle (R-DE) quietly backs the Democrats on the “troop rest period” bill, one Bush has said he’ll veto.
FLA Politics
Allegations of vote caging in Jacksonville as part of the US Attorney scandal have Senator Bill Nelson interested enough to start asking tough questions.
Tondee’s Tavern
More from the world of low-echelon elected Republicans of Georgia…wingnut factor 8, tread carefully
So hey, Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission–Where are the data you promised and allocated $1.2mil for,  about gas refiners working the islands?
43rd State Blues
It’s like data mining, right here in the 50 State Update! Tour the Spud State Review of top Idaho blogs.
Trying to Google-ad their way out of backlash over culpable pollution of Lake Michigan,oil oligarchists BP are launching a major PR
  offensive for damage control.
Blue Indiana
Hey, do you remember way back when I was talking about BP’s troubles in Illinois? Looks like trouble has leached over the border into Indiana. Feel bad for BP’s tough luck.
Bleeding Heartland
Is a repeat of the 2004 Iowa caucus in the offing for Democrats? Scope the parallels.
Daily Kingfish
CenLamar creates a valued resource by compiling a compendium on the Jena Six, a story earning national attention for its evocation of racial tension and tradition thought to be bygone.
Turn Maine Blue
There’s a statehouse seat coming open, as another Republican calls it quits and gives Democrats a chance to extend their majority in Maine.
Free State Politics
Melissa at Free State takes a look at the Baltimore transportation draft plan, and can’t believe they’d pretend it was adequate in the least.
It’s been a good summer for Gov. Deval Patrick; he’s rebounded from a rough start to post 53% favorability ratings (+13) in the most recent SUSA polling .
Michigan Liberal
Over at Michigan Liberal,a crazy-thorough analysis of media consolidation in Michigan, complete with stock charts!   Wonky goodness through and though.
Minnesota Campaign Report
Congressman Oberstar is moving quickly to seek aid from the federal government, asking for $250 million in emergency funding in the wake of the I35W collapse Wednesday. Godspeed to those among the affected.
Cottonmouth Blog
More from the What You Get With a 50-State Strategy Dept:MS Dems tell Governor Barbour, “Hold on there, Guvnah!” for Haley’s education budget whoppers. Don’t take that kind of response messaging for granted in beet red states, folks. Encourage it.
Fired Up! Missouri
Blunt gets Fired Up! about Supreme Court interviews, and is at it again with the bizarre, borderline sadistic questions for the nominees.  Good for a laugh, especially if you’re not up for Missouri Supreme Court.
Left in the West
If it’s summer in Montana, there’s probably a fire somewhere.  There’s a bunch at the moment; don’t tell Conrad Burns.
New Nebraska
Want to blame someone for California’s toying with proportionate allocation in the electoral college? How about Nebraska? 
My Silver State
Sven has started a “who do you back?” diary forum for people to tout their favorites for Democratic Presidential nominee. The submissions are rolling in; here’s o

ne, and here’s another, both for Barack.

New Hampshire
Blue Hampshire
Sen. John Sununu’s got a poverty plan! Privatize Social Security! We’ll call that a somewhat “long-termish” solution.
New Jersey
Blue Jersey
Democracy Corps polling has got to be giving Mike Ferguson and other Congressional Republicans severe heartburn.
New Mexico
New Mexico FBIHOP
Tom Udall fights for a renewable energy standard in Congress.  Rock on, Tom!
New York
The Albany Project
Home day care workers: vital, caring for and educating our young loved ones, and yet they make jack crap and aren’t unionized. That’s gonna change in NYC, if the United Federation of Teachers have something to say about it..
New York
Daily Gotham
Microlending–it’s not just for World Bank and impoverished countries. It works here, too.
North Carolina
Blue NC
“State of the Candidate’s Websites, Take 2” is a recap of the online presence, or absence thereof, for North Carolina’s leading Democrats.
North Dakota
North Decoder
  >Is Bobcat bidding bye to Bismarck? Bummer.
As Ohio Goes
Headlines from the front of cultural politics:Ohio Goppers Say, “Womens’ Rights? Better Ask Your Man!” plus Ohio Republican Announces Run with Anti-Gay Tirade
Buckeye State Blog
Rudy Guiliani shows that sharp eye for qualified underlings, hiring the disgraced Bob Ney’s favored spokesperson as his Communications Director. I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt on whether she’s hiding a whacking in her past.
blue oklahoma
The big news in OK, no doubt: Andrew Rice’s challenge to incumbent Sen. Jim Inhofe. Oh, to dream, perchance to flip!
Loaded Orygun
The state media are slowly starting to ask the question: “Was Gordon Smith actually involved in the plan that killed 70,000 adult salmon?” Loaded Orygun has the state Dem Party’s compilation of the clippings, and TJ gives you a bullet-fact primer on the scandal. It WILL be a campaign issue.
Keystone Politics
Dr. Dean is spreading the medicine in Pittsburgh: Big ad buys and expensive consultants are yesterday’s tools for yesterday’s campaigns. Retail, retail, retail.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island’s Future
Senator Whitehouse goes to Greenland to visit the shrinking fjords.Pretty great picture.
South Dakota
Clean Cut Kid
Clean Cut Kid is having real life and spam issues that are interrupting blogging. Oh, how we have been there.
Knox Views
Alternative papers can be a vital jumpstart to a more progressive city. Knoxville may finally have a real one, one that is holding the old boys city network accountable for a change.
Burnt Orange Report
Rick Noriega has made an ad, and for a bio I think it’s pretty strong.
Texas Kaos
After what was surely exhaustive (and exhausting) research, scientists at UT have determined people have sex primarily as an expression of affection. Some say getting closer to God–talk about performance anxiety!
Wasatch Watcher
Will Utah Congressman Matheson and the rest of the Blue Dogs get the hint about Iraq?
Green Mountain Daily
Vermont, one of the national leaders in towns who resolved against the Bush administration, heard back. Can’t guess whether he took their advice? Think harder.
Raising Kaine
Special shout to my 27-year home and the blog named after the mayor of my home for 10 years, Richmond…speaking of Kaine himself, he’s stepped into the public light and endorsed a timeline for Iraq withdrawal. Hey, it’s Virginia. They do everything slow, especially in summer.
Noemie digs into the King County Republican Party [ewwww],  unearthing their aggressive, speculative and harrassing vote suppression tactics, revealed in an interview with more pride than remorse. Ewwww.
West Virginia
West Virginia Blue
Affordable higher ed for adults– why not just do it?
Uppity Wisconsin
The results are in, and Governor Doyle is off the hook for influence peddling. Investigators found no connection between contributions and the approval of a nuclear power plant. The clearance ran in the papers with decidedly less prominence than the allegations.

See you next week!

50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

Which bookstore will you be visiting at midnight tonight? Would you be surprised to learn that only one presidential candidate has played the Harry Potter card so far?

Either way, here are some updates from around the 50-State Blog Network, brought to you this week from Minnesota Campaign Report‘s Joe Bodell.

Left in Alabama
A decidedly non-establishment challenger emerges in Alabama’s First congressional district. Ben Lodmell may be shaking things up a bit in Alabama Democratic Party circles.

A chilling future-imperfect scenario on terrorism. Ugh.

Yet another contact will be testifying against John Doolittle(R-Roseville) in what can only be described as a ticking clock until his indictment.

Colorado’s congressional representatives fight back against President Bush’s threatened veto of SCHIP reauthorization. What’s SCHIP? “State Children’s Health Insurance Program”. Kick the kids while they’re down, right Mr. President?
My Left Nutmeg
Thank you Ed Koch, who helped give us six more years of Joementum…at least you’re being reasonable enough to admit that your support for continued American presence in Iraq was wrong-headed.
Delaware Liberal
Delaware Liberal’s Jason Scott formally challenges Cong. Mike Castle (R-DE) to a debate on his Iraq policies.
FLA Politics
Christine Jennings, would-be Congresswoman but for 18,000 Diebolded undervotes in Sarasota County in 2006, is coming back for another run in 2008. Go Jennings!
Tondee’s Tavern

State Senator John Douglas gets pulled over by a off-duty cop for erratic driving. After being let go with no ticket, Douglas threatens the city he will hold up grant funding opportunities and local legislation next session. Our favorite (R) punching bag.

Dueling op-eds from state legislators on veto overrides — an interesting read.
43rd State Blues
That repeated whacking noise is 43rd State Blues’ shoe against Sen. Larry Craig’s noggin on oil, energy, Iraq, and…well, everything.
Illinois activists are looking at Congressional seats in 2008. In IL-6, Operation : Turn DuPage Blue is gaining increased prominance after Tammy Duckworth opted not to challenge Peter Roskam for a second time. In IL-10, Dan Seals was named a “Future Leader” at YearlyKos, but don’t forget he has a primary challenger.
Blue Indiana
Republican Governor + Trickle-down Reagan-style economics = bad economic markers for Indiana. Pretty simple, actually.
Bleeding Heartland
I’ll have to work on getting Amy Klobuchar to guest-post on MNCR, but until then, I’ll be in awe of Bleeding Heartland and Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin’s post on the recent all-night Iraq debate.
Daily Kingfish
Republican scion Bobby Jindal has retained a political consultant with a reputation for working on losing campaigns. Sort of. Read about it.
Turn Maine Blue
It’s from earlier in the week, but Sen. Susan Collins and Joe Lieberman wrote an op-ed in the Boston Globe together. Mainers — please, please, please remember that Sen. Collins hanging out and working with Joe Lieberman in no way makes her a bipartisan get-things-done sort of Senator. Quite the contrary. Also at Turn Maine Blue, Tom Allen is guestblogging in his effort to unseat Collins.
Free State Politics
Free State Politics has encouraging news for progressives in potential replacements for departing DINO P.J. Hogan from his Maryland State Sen. seat
A historical note on liberty, government overreach, and a really enormous ball of cheese. Also, a look at fundraising in the 5th CD race, with some interesting developments therein.
Michigan Liberal

I am shocked — SHOCKED!!! — to hear word of a Republican official seeking to suppress voter turnout and disenfranchise voters. If you can’t win with fair rules, just change the rules, right?

Congrats to Michigan Liberal’s founder, Matt Ferguson, on the birth of his brand new twins. Good luck Matt; you’ll need it.

Minnesota Campaign Report
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) can always be counted on for a good legal complaint against political actors who are being naughty. In this case, it’s the Republican Party of Minnesota getting slapped for playing fast and easy with their retirement fund contributions and other financial shenanigans.
Cottonmouth Blog
Cottonmouth Blog picks up on the NRA getting involved in the Lieutenant Governor’s race. “Effective grassroots organization”, huh?
Fired Up! Missouri
A Republican Governor misusing state government for political ends? Oh get out! I mean….oh, forget it. Incredulity just doesn’t go far enough to cover the things these people think they can get away with.
Left in the West
The continuing shift toward strong protection of civil liberties and a hands-off governmental approach to social issues continues in Montana, courtesy of Matt Singer and Forward Montana. The media are starting to pay attention, too.
New Nebraska
Nebraska’s state government still finds itself beholden to the big Telecom companies, who staunchly refuse to build large-scale, affordable high-speed Internet access in the state — and they’re preventing the government from doing it instead.
My Silver State
Welcome My Silver State aboard 50-State Cruise Lines! They have some coverage of presidential candidates’ exploits across the state:

Q2 Donations to Bill Richardson, staffing expenditures, and heavy web traffic for Barack Obama.

New Hampshire
Blue Hampshire
Republican Sen. John Sununu is in big trouble in 2008. Big. Trouble.
New Jersey
Blue Jersey
2006 was a bittersweet victory for many Democrats around the country. For as much good as Rahm Emanuel did as head of the DCCC, there were some cases where just a little bit of support could have given him even more victories (instead of tilting at windmills in Tammy Duckworth’s unsuccessful run). Hopefully this means there’s more progress to be made, and a bigger majority to be built, in 2008.
New Mexico
New Mexico FBIHOP

Heather Wilson and The Albany Project
Details on a campaign finance deal reached recently in Albany — and TAR says it’s pretty good.
New York
Daily Gotham
Great fundraising numbers coming out of NYC-area State Senate races
North Carolina
Blue NC
Is Sen. Liddy Dole about to break from President Bush on Iraq? If the people of North Carolina have anything to say about it, she might want to consider doing so.
North Dakota
North Decoder
Ouch — the Center for Public Integrity says for its laws regarding financial disclosures for its Governor.
As Ohio Goes
As Ohio Goes keeps a close eye on the statements of Sen. Voinovich and just how serious he is about criticizing President Bush‘s conduct of the Iraq occupation.
Buckeye State Blog
Buckeye State Blog provides first-hand coverage of John Edward’s vist to the poorest city in America (Edwards in Cleveland’s Mt. Pleasant). Also, read It’s With Sadness I Announce I’m Leaving BSB.
blue oklahoma
Oklahoma has a new state poet laureate — read all about him. Very interesting stuff!
Loaded Orygun
With a recent move to SoapBlox, Loaded Orygun is up and running, highlighting a DSCC poll showing House Speaker Jeff Merkley within six points of Sen. Gordon Smith. Smith is one of the “moderates,” along with Minnesota’s own Norm Coleman, who are going to be heavily targeted for removal in 2008.
Keystone Politics
Keystone Politics finds a bombshell in the midst of U.S. Attorney investigations in Penn.: “Wecht charges prompt inquiry”.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island’s Future
Mark Democrat Jack Reed down on the list of U.S. Senators who are going to be safe as can be in 2008. Here’s to hoping that if no serious Republican opposition appears, Senator Reed will contribute generously to Democratic challengers around the country to help build his caucus’s majority
South Dakota
Clean Cut Kid
Who do state officials work for? Themselves, or the people who elected them? Clean Cut Kid takes on Governor Mike Rounds on exactly that topic.
Knox Views
It’s apolitical, but ospreys are really, really, really cool birds, and this is a great shot of one with its catch. In more political events, Knox Views goes after Mitt Romney for his approach to sex education and child molesters.
Burnt Orange Report
In large states like Texas, where there are lots of colleges and universities, young voters actually can make a big difference in terms of elections, outreach, and activism. Details on YDA’s activities in Texas here.
Texas Kaos
Do Texas Republicans just not care about public education? Seems that way
Wasatch Watcher
A great photo gallery from a recent visit by Bill Richardson.
Green Mountain Daily
Brattleboro, VT passes an ordinance banning public nudity from some areas of town. You really can’t make this stuff up: “Don’t people have a Constitutional right not to be offended?” … Ah yes, the ethereal and seldom-mentioned 0th Amendment, which read “The right not to be offended by anything, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, shall not be abridged. By naked people. Ever.”
Raising Kaine
Raising Kaine highlight a one prominent flip-flop over the Virginia Transportation Plan in “Jeannemarie Then…and Now”.
State Rep Rodney Tom announces a run for U.S. Congress in the 8th district, where Darcy Burner lost a close race to Dave Reichert in 2006.
West Virginia
West Virginia Blue
West Virginia Blue notes that even as the West Virginia State GOP is facing an uphill battle (even Republicans don’t trust the WV GOP), incumbent Republican Shelley Moore Capito (WV-02) is enjoying an “Incumbency protection racket: Capito shakes down carpenter’s union”
Uppity Wisconsin
President Bush’s approval rating is 19% in Wisconsin, with 73% disapproval. That is not a good place to be, generally (cue theme to 1980s cartoon “Captain Obvious”).

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50-State Blog Network Weekly Roundup

This week’s Roundup was compiled by EricV at PrairieStateBlue. Permission is granted to cross-post at your blog.

Happy Friday the 13th! Looks like it wasn’t a lucky one for ethically

challenged Republicans. Between the prostitution scandals and the

increasingly obvious failure of the Iraq war to accomplish anything

Republicans are being hit hard across the states. Remember that all

politics is local and support your local state blogs!


in Alabama

Barack Obama visited Alabama on Monday. Here’s href=”http://www.leftinalabama.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=211″>a local

perspective on the event.


in the state Democratic party has Arizona wondering.

Healthcare reform href=”http://www.calitics.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=3249″>seems to be

moving in California, with legislation that might even have a

chance of a signature of the governator.

Does Sen. Ken Salazar href=”http://www.squarestate.net/showDiary.do?diaryId=4117″>fear his

own shadow? His positions, or lack thereof, on Iraq seem to

suggest so.


Left Nutmeg

Remember “moderate” Chris Shays? Well he’s looking for href=”http://www.myleftnutmeg.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=7485″>more

war. In the meantime, the state’s GOP keeps href=”http://www.myleftnutmeg.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=7474″>blaming

others for their failures. Whatever happened to the party of

personal responsibility?

href=”http://delawareliberal.wordpress.com”>Delaware Liberal
Sen. Joe Biden is href=”http://delawareliberal.wordpress.com/2007/07/11/joe-biden-rebukes-mike-castle-and-centerists-republicans-for-their-lack-of-spine”>criticizing

centrist Republicans for not standing up to their parties

extremists. Then one of Delaware’s own href=”http://delawareliberal.wordpress.com/2007/07/13/mike-castle-reasserts-his-support-for-bush”>shows

his full support for President Bush and his war.



Another Republican href=”http://www.flapolitics.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=1955″>caught

soliciting prostitutes? Look for the how to guide on href=”http://www.flapolitics.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=1949″>building

Florida’s progressive community.

href=”http://www.tondeestavern.com”>Tondee’s Tavern
Georgia gives a big “WTF?” to statements of BushCo’s href=”http://www.tondeestavern.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=478″>stopping

terrorists attacks in Georgia. Oh and in a twist to our theme,

Georgia’s Republican was caught href=”http://www.tondeestavern.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=476″>soliciting

sex from a male undercover cop.


ethical problems in Hawaii too. Surprised? I thought not.


State Blues

Idaho’s conservative blogosphere tries to defend the surge, but

43rd State Blues href=”http://www.43rdstateblues.com/?q=node/3416″>will have none of

it. Oh yeah, and their Republican soliciting prostitutes href=”http://www.43rdstateblues.com/?q=node/3419″>went after a male

undercover police officer too.

Ray LaHood (R) href=”http://www.prairiestateblue.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=3185″>says

no to Bradley University and is staying put. Mark Kirk (R) won’t


anything at all to Iraq war vets. He’s headed towards a href=”http://www.prairiestateblue.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=3183″>big




Gov. Mitch Daniels problems aren’t related to prostitutes, href=”http://www.blueindiana.net/showDiary.do?diaryId=771″>they’re


href=”/”>Bleeding Heartland
Sen. Tom Harkin is href=”/showDiary.do?diaryId=410″>posting

at Bleeding Heartland. He’s looking for Republicans to stand up to

the President and party leadership on Iraq.

href=”http://www.dailykingfish.com”>Daily Kingfish
Louisiana is rightfully abuzz over the revelation that Sen. David

Vitter has

been frequenting prostitutes (and now href=”http://www.dailykingfish.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=129″>the

Republican response), but they haven’t forgotten about State Rep.

Jim Tucker (R) and href=”http://www.dailykingfish.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=126″>his

ethics problems either.

Turn Maine


While Sen. Collins href=”http://turnmaineblue.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=334″>flip-flops on

Iraq, her challenger Tom Allen href=”http://turnmaineblue.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=338″>remains

steadfast in opposition.


State Politics

Free State Politics href=”http://www.freestatepolitics.us/showDiary.do;jsessionid=6773CB2B055EB0FEE57DCED71B4AFC86?diaryId=403%20″>catches

the Baltimore examiner in right-wing health news coverage.

While former Governor Mitt Romney href=”http://www.bluemassgroup.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=7897″>is

embarrassed about being a Republican, current Governor Deval

Patrick is

busy bringing reality-based decisions to Beacon Hill.

href=”http://www.michiganliberal.com”>Michigan Liberal
Republican Rep. Joe Knollenberg shows that href=”http://www.michiganliberal.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=9416″>he can

run from Iraq questions too. Meanwhile, the State legislature has


their vacation.

href=”http://www.mncampaignreport.com”>Minnesota Campaign


Second quarter fundraising numbers are coming in. In Minnesota,

their taking

a look.

href=”http://www.cottonmouthblog.com”>Cottonmouth Blog
The effects

of Katrina linger on for the Mississippi coast, don’t let it be


href=”http://www.firedupmissouri.com”>Fired Up! Missouri
How much does it cost to bribe, er… encourage, Gov. Matt Blunt?

Now, you too can

find out.


in the West

How bad is it becoming for Republican’s in Montana? Well, a state

Senator says href=”http://www.leftinthewest.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=732″>he might

vote for Democrat Max Baucus for Senate and the GOP doesn’t really

push back.



The Nebraska governor’s office href=”http://newnebraska.net/2007/07/why-is-dave-heineman-so-scared-of-s-e-x.html”>wants

nothing to do with sex. Nothing. Of any kind. And this time they

mean it.

New Hampshire
href=”http://www.bluehampshire.com”>Blue Hampshire
Senators Gregg and Sununu href=”http://www.bluehampshire.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=1381″>can’t

seem to make up their mind on Iraq.

New Jersey


Tomorrow Jim Dean, chair of DFA, href=”http://www.bluejersey.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=5168″>talks with

Blue Jersey Radio. Maybe they’ll mention how their Republican

congressmen rolled

over to President Bush on Iraq.

New Mexico
New Mexico


Heather Wilson has href=”http://nmfbihop.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=307″>not just one,

but two

challengers lining up to get a chance at her seat.

New York
href=”http://www.thealbanyproject.com”>the albany project
New York firefighters are href=”http://www.thealbanyproject.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=1009″>talking

about the real Rudy Giuliani. It should come as no surprise that

he isn’t the same person he plays on TV.

New York


And about that Rudy and the Firefighters spat… href=”http://www.dailygotham.com/blog/bouldin/republican_knifefight”>Fred

Thompson’s all over it.

North Carolina
Blue NC
A recent href=”http://bluenc.com/ppp-survey%3A-elizabeth-dole-vs.-grier-martin”>PPP

Poll shows State Representative Grier Martin with a fair chance of

retiring Senator Elizabeth Dole if he were to challenge her in the

2008 elections. BlueNC community members have been busy with href=”http://bluenc.com/urgent%3A-action-needed-on-voter-owned-elections-bill”>several

action href=”http://bluenc.com/call-burr-and-dole”>plans and are

celebrating the passage of href=”http://bluenc.com/call-a-young-democrat-today#comment-60652″>Same

Day Voter Registration legislation that was championed by the

Young Dems of North Carolina.

North Dakota
href=”http://www.northdecoder.com”>North Decoder
Republican’s href=”http://www.northdecoder.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36&Itemid=1″>aren’t

the party of small government, not even in North Dakota.

As Ohio Goes
Read a book

review of the behind-the-scenes look into Rep-now-Sen. Sherrod

Brown’s campaign run Connie Schultz’s new book, “… and His Lovely

Wife: A Memoir from the Woman Beside the Man”

href=”http://www.buckeyestateblog.com”>Buckeye State Blog
Buckeye State Blog has a week full of top notch posts… this one

stands out for the images, href=”http://www.buckeyestateblog.com/breaking_the_ohio_gops_dc_madam_connection_prostitutes%20″>Breaking:

The Ohio GOP’s DC Madam Connection. Prostitutes!



Republican Tom Coburn href=”http://www.blueoklahoma.org/showDiary.do?diaryId=145″>doesn’t

care about family values.

href=”http://loadedorygun.blogspot.com”>Loaded Orygun
Loaded Orygun is href=”http://loadedorygun.blogspot.com/2007/07/coming-sunday-loadedorygunnet.html”>becoming

a community blog (SoapBlox) on Sunday. That’s all the better for

encouraging programs like href=”http://loadedorygun.blogspot.com/2007/07/oregonians-for-relationship-equality.html”>Oregonians

for Relationship Equality.



Keystone Politics covers some far weightier issues this week, but


may be the lamest excuse ever for being caught in questionable


Rhode Island

Island’s Future

Rhode Island’s Democratic activists href=”http://rifuture.org/blog/2007/07/11/the-rhode-island-lineup-for-08″>are

lining up behind Presidential candidates.

South Dakota
href=”http://www.cleancutkid.com”>Clean Cut Kid
Is open government

coming to South Dakota? It remains to be seen.



The evolution of the South href=”http://www.knoxviews.com/node/5045″>is coming to Eastern


href=”http://www.burntorangereport.com”>Burnt Orange Report
The death

of the Republican party in Texas? Burnt Orange Report takes stock

of how extremists have created electoral turmoil for the Republicans

of Texas.

Texas Kaos
Rick Noriega is announcing the href=”http://www.texaskaos.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=3578″>beginning of

his bid to unseat John Cornyn.



Salt Lake City is looking for a new major and href=”http://www.wasatchwatcher.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=235″>Keith

Christensen is being considered.

href=”http://www.greenmountaindaily.com”>Green Mountain Daily
Democrats href=”http://www.greenmountaindaily.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=1404″>failed

to override the Republican governor’s veto of their energy bill.


the next step.

href=”http://www.raisingkaine.com”>Raising Kaine
Raising Kaine speculates how Virginia might looks with a different

Senator in “How

About a Trade? Webb For McConnell

Efforts to href=”http://www.washblog.com/story/2007/7/12/91422/0755″>stop

electronic voting in Washington state continue.

West Virginia

Virginia Blue

When West Virginia Blue isn’t busy href=”http://www.wvablue.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=680″>calling out

biased newspaper coverage they’re busy noting how href=”%20http://www.wvablue.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=697″>ineffective

the advocates for vulnerable Republican Rep. Shelley Moore

Capito’s (WV-02) are.



The Wisconsin Assembly’s GOP href=”http://www.uppitywis.org/assembly-gops-self-destructive-budget”>revealed

their idea of a state budget. Surprise, surprise, it looks awfully

cynical and partisan.

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