Just got this e-mail from Environment Iowa. There’s a big vote coming up Thursday in the Senate Natural Resources and Environment Committee:
Did you know that we here in Iowa spend less state money per capita on the environment than almost any other state in the nation?
We think that’s outrageous, and a bi-partisan committee of legislators, working closely with environmental groups as well as the Farm Bureau, has recommended that Iowa spend an additional $150 million a year to improve water and soil quality, enhance parks and trails, and protect wildlife habitat.
Tomorrow afternoon, Thursday March 6, the Senate Natural Resources and Environment Committee will vote on a bill that is the first step toward dedicating those funds. Join us in urging these committees to vote ‘yes’ on our environment.
To send an e-mail to the Senate Natural Resources and Environment Committee, click here:
Action is critical now — this legislation must pass both houses in the next two months, or else the process will be delayed for two years.
This bill would put a question on the ballot asking Iowans create a fund specifically for Iowa’s water and soil quality, parks and wildlife. These funds would be protected for environmental purposes only and future legislatures won’t be able to raid them for other purposes as they have in the past.
The new resources would be invested in:
* Protecting water quality from both urban and agricultural sources of pollution;
* Keeping the best soil on earth where it belongs – on the earth,not in our streams and lakes where it smothers fish and other aquatic life;
* Restoring parks, biking and hiking trails at the state, county and local level;
* Protecting habitat for a diverse array of species such as trout, bobwhite, pheasant, and bobcat.
So please take a moment to tell members of the Senate committee how important it is to invest in our water, land and wildlife. Follow this link to take action today:
For what it’s worth, I would call the members of this committee rather than e-mailing them. There’s no guarantee that anyone on their staff will open e-mail in time for this vote.
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