# Energy

Bill Richardson Roundup: June 23-30, 2007 News Review

Highlighting his considerable foreign expertise, Governor Bill Richardson last week set forth a path to avoiding military confrontation with Iran over its nuclear program. Richardson called on Bush administration to stop threatening Iran with “incendiary rhetoric,” and instead recognize our interests in engaging Iran diplomatically.

Richardson's week ended with a well-received speech before Latino leaders in Florida. Decrying the tone of the debate in the Senate on the immigration bill and how Latinos are portrayed in the media, Richardson asked:

Do you notice that when they depict immigrants, they have someone crossing a wall, jumping as if they are criminals? How about the farmers who break their backs working or those who are cleaning the toilets and working at the hotel where we stay? How about the American media covering the immigrant who died protecting his country?

Also of note, Pollster.com added Richardson to its Top Democrats charts, joining Clinton, Obama and Edwards. Charles Franklin of Pollster.com stated, “For other Democratic candidates, we've not seen a substantial upturn anywhere. Richardson stands alone in that respect at the moment.”

For a full review of Richardson's week, continue reading.

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Bill Richardson: Visit to Iowa and Week in Review

Last week was a significant one in Bill Richardson's campaign for President, with a major address in Washington, D.C. on climate change and how to end the bloodshed in Iraq, along with a visit to Iowa. 

It was also a significant week for peace and stability in Korea and Asia – which highlights Richardson's expertise in foreign affairs and his diplomatic skills. With Richardson as President we get two for the price of one – a can-do leader on domestic issues and an experienced diplomat that knows how to bring people and nations together.


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Obama and Clinton say yes to liquid coal

I just got this press release on the Sierra Club Iowa topics e-mail list:


Contact: Josh Dorner, 202.675.2384

                    Senate Says Firm No to Liquid Coal
         Vote Puts the Public Interest Ahead of Special Interests

          Statement of Carl Pope, Sierra Club Executive Director

“In spite of Herculean efforts by the coal industry and its friends in
Congress, the Senate today delivered a very important victory in the fight
against global warming by decisively voting against jumpstarting a new
massively expensive, massively polluting liquid coal industry–twice.
Senators showed that they understood that we need to leave behind the
failed policies of the past–and past Congresses.

“At a time when we need to get on the path to achieving an 80 percent
reduction in our global warming emissions by 2050–an achievable annual
reduction of 2 percent–the level scientists tell us is necessary to avoid
the most catastrophic effects of global warming, business as usual is no
longer acceptable.  Liquid coal produces nearly twice the global warming
pollution as conventional fuel and Senators were right to turn their backs
on it.

“Though Senators successfully blocked these damaging liquid coal
provisions, they now need to turn their attention to breaking a filibuster
led by Senator Domenici that is preventing a fair up or down vote on the
Bingaman Renewable Electricity Standard amendment.  Senators must also
block attempts by Senators Levin, Bond, and Pryor to further weaken the
CAFE compromise in the bill.

“We thank Senators for their leadership on this important vote and hope
they will continue to make the changes necessary to make this bill one that
we can truly be proud of.”


The person who posted the press release noted that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both voted FOR the coal to oil subsidy, which thankfully did not pass the Senate.

That is pathetic. I'm not surprised that Hillary voted yes, because the Clintons have never seemed to care much about the environment.

But for Obama to support this subsidy for the coal industry suggests to me that he is not serious about dealing with global warming. Dodd, Richardson, and Edwards all have put forward superior proposals on this issue. 

UPDATE: Here is a link to the Senate roll call vote on liquid coal:


Of the presidential candidates, Clinton and Obama voted yes, Biden voted no, Dodd, McCain and Brownback did not vote. (I'm sure Dodd would have voted no.) 

Harkin and Grassley both voted no. 

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Iowa House passes Energy City Legislation

As Common Iowan noted on Monday, Rep. Tyler Olson of Cedar Rapids had introduced a bill creating what were called “Energy City Designations” for cities to create and implement innovative and efficient energy programs.  His bill, HF 773, passed the Iowa House today on a vote of 92-2.  The bill doesn’t directly create amounts or options for state grants for cities that receive this designation, however it calls on the DNR to create these regulations and implement the bill.

From the House, the bill was messaged to the Senate, were it was referred to the Natural Resources and Environment Committee, where Sen. Dennis Black is the chair.  He lists his occupation as conservationist — and he’s from Grinnell — which leads me to believe that he and his committee will work hard to make sure this bill passes the Senate and truly creates a program that works with the Iowa Power Fund and other legislative and executive projects to help Iowa achieve energy independence and become the renewable fuels capital of the world, while at the same time achieve efficiency in the way our cities and towns operate.

When we have days like today where former Vice President Al Gore testifies before a House Committee and has to confront Republican climate change skeptics, it clearly shows just how far we have to go in this country to make sure that global climate change is a problem and that we must work harder to become energy independent, efficient, and innovative.  At least Iowans can be proud that this bill passed in a bipartisan manner.

Edwards Sets The Standard (So Far) On Energy

I’ll elaborate on this later today (hopefully).  But John Edwards’ energy and environmental policy rolled out in his speech in Nevada yesterday represents the  most serious, and workable approach of any candidate in the race.  Policy paper here.

Gotta run to work now but I’ll try and get into this in more detail anon.

Still waiting for someone, anyone to utter the two magic words…

“drive less.”

Edwards to Visit BECON Plant in Iowa

On Tuesday, March 20th, 2007, Senator John Edwards will visit the Biomass Energy Conversion Center (BECON) in Nevada, Iowa.  Edwards will tour the plant and outline his plan to halt global warming and create a new energy economy in our nation.  Following his remarks, Edwards will hold a media availability with reporters.

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