Bruce Lear: If Iowa Democrats insist on sacrificing the possible for the perfect, we’ll lose again. -promoted by Laura Belin
As a kid, when I heard adults talking about “rules of thumb,” I kept looking at my thumb, but couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t get it then, but I do now. The dictionary definition is, “A general principle regarded as roughly correct, but not intended to be scientifically accurate.”
My definition is similar: “What I believe to be true, based on experience.” It isn’t always accurate, but it’s served me pretty well.
Here are a few of my rules. I never eat a hot dog that comes off that roller thing at a convenience store. They aren’t convenient for my stomach.
I’m not amused by amusement rides that soar above the height of a step ladder.
I know tomorrow is another day I won’t use algebra, and none of my junior high screw ups actually went on my permanent record.
I know if my wife or daughter asks, “Are you wearing that?”, I’m not.
Some rules of thumb about politics have also served me well.
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