Devastating news: Vice President Joe Biden’s oldest child, Beau Biden, passed away of brain cancer today. He was only 46 years old but already had an accomplished career, including service as Delaware attorney general. He was seen as a likely future governor or senator. He leaves behind a wife and two children.
Beau Biden spent quite a bit of time in Iowa supporting his father’s presidential campaign in 2007. I only met him once, at a house party in West Des Moines, where he came across as down to earth and sincerely interested in talking politics with a bunch of strangers. I heard nothing but good things about Beau from my many friends and acquaintances who encountered him on the campaign trail. Many Iowans have been sharing their memories on social media this evening. I hope some members of the Bleeding Heartland community will tell their own stories in this thread.
After the jump I’ve posted the Biden family’s statement and a video of an incredible speech the vice president delivered in 2012 to an audience of grieving military families. He shared his experiences after the car accident that killed his wife and baby daughter and injured his sons Beau and Hunter, then told the bereaved listeners,
“There will come a day, I promise you, when the thought of your son or daughter or your husband or wife brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. It will happen. It will happen. My prayer for you is that day will come sooner or later. […] I’m telling you it will come.”
It’s heartbreaking for any parent to suffer the loss of a child. I can’t believe Joe Biden has to live through this nightmare a second time. But as Michael Grunwald observed, “When you think of what Joe Biden’s endured and what he’s like, he seems to get something right about life that most of us don’t.”
This post is also an open thread: all topics welcome.
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