Bleeding Heartland’s weekly wildflower series has grown far beyond what I envisioned when I published the first Iowa wildflower Wednesday in March 2012. The search for material to publish in the spring, summer, and fall has taken me to many parks and nature preserves I’d never explored. I’ve also gotten to know some incredible guest authors and photographers, including Katie Byerly, Lora Conrad, Marla Mertz, Eileen Miller, Bruce Morrison, Diane Porter, and Leland Searles.
After the jump you’ll find the common and scientific names of more than 250 species featured here over the past twelve years. (I will update the post as needed.) The date next to each plant’s name links to a post with multiple photographs. Before my son’s interest in Jack-in-the-pulpits inspired me to start learning more about native plants in 2009, I could not have identified even a dozen of these wildflowers.
Not every Iowa wildflower Wednesday piece showcases one species. In October 2023, I created a separate page linking to every Bleeding Heartland post that surveys a range of native plants seen at one park, prairie, natural area, or trail.
Many readers have told me the wildflower posts are among their favorites at the site and provide a respite from negativity online. For those on Facebook, the Iowa wildflower enthusiasts group can be a nice timeline cleanse as well.
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