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Barack Obama Endorses Becky Greenwald

This diary touches upon the many reasons why this election is special, and why we need to send the first women in Iowa history, Becky Greenwald, to Congress.


In case you missed Barack Obama's rally in Des Moines, you missed quite an event.

Ignoring for a moment the fact that it was possibly the largest rally in Iowa history.  Ignoring for a moment that it came at the end of one of the longest political campiagns in American history.  Ignoring for a moment that this could be the last rally before our tens of thousands of volunteer hours pay off and help to turn Iowa blue. This was a special event.

Before Barack spoke, we heard froma long line of local, state, and national Democrats who are already holding office, or who are running for office.

But I consider the most important of all the speeches from Becky Greenwald, who is running to beat Tom Latham in Iowa's 4th Congressional District.

This race, and the tightening of poll numbers, further strengthen my resolve to get at least 100 new supporters out to vote on Tuesday.  We have a chance to send the first female in Iowa history to Congress.  THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY WE CAN'T LET US PASS UP.

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