Dallas County Democrats

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100-year-old Dallas County Democrat has a plan to vote this year

The Dallas County Democrats (democratsfordallascounty@gmail.com) submitted this post with the permission and involvement of Gladys Julstrom and her family members.

Calvin Coolidge was president of the United States on February 17, 1924, having succeeded Warren Harding upon his sudden death while in office the summer before. On that day, Gladys Stohlgren was born in Des Moines, one of five children, to a Swedish Lutheran family. This year, she’ll vote for Kamala Harris, who would be the first woman president of the United States.

Now 100 years old, Gladys is one of six centenarians who are registered Democrats in Dallas County. She plans to cast her vote using a mailed in ballot. She is voting because she is “concerned about the worldwide situation,” she said. She votes because “I like to help people who care about the welfare of people.”

Gladys has always voted. She remembers Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson (“LBJ” is how she referred to him), when John Kennedy was assassinated, and knows Jimmy Carter just turned 100 years old too. She has volunteered on campaigns, knocking on doors and “posting envelopes.” She liked to attend events when presidential candidates visited Iowa.

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