Adam Kenworthy, chair of the Iowa lawyer chapter of the American Constitution Society, sees a message for all Democrats in a recent New York Congressional primary. -promoted by desmoinesdem
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory in the Democratic primary for New York’s fourteenth Congressional District showed that authenticity, passion, and a strong commitment to a democratic socialist vision of policies for all people can win elections. That bright spot in an otherwise dark period in our country’s history offers hope for the future of the current Democratic Party.
Her victory should also illustrate the risk of relying solely on political pundits to explain, and validate, her individual impact and the root causes of her success. Ocasio-Cortez’s victory was inspiring, both for the boldness of her platforms and for two very striking factors: young age and lack of money. At 28, her obvious maturity and depth is portrayed as rare among her generational peers. But is it truly rare, or have we Democrats simply failed to explore the potential of a new generation or candidates that challenge conventional assumptions?