Boswell sitting on a big pile of cash

As we all knew would be the case, Leonard Boswell is going to have plenty of money for this campaign. According to Federal Election Commission records, Boswell has more than $730,000 in the bank:

he raised about $131,000 during the last quarter of 2007, with $101,000 coming from political action committees.

Through 2007, he has raised about $730,000, of which $540,000 came from PACs, or close to 74 percent of his contributions.

I’m surprised that such a large proportion of the money came from PACs. I’m sure there will be much more where that came from in Q1 and Q2 of this year.

The Fallon for Congress website is still under construction, but you can donate to his campaign through ActBlue if you are so inclined.

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  • Fallon has raised more money from people in January than Boswell did the entier 4th quarter

    Fallon has raised $60,000 already (if I remember correctly) in January without taking any money from PACs. Boswell raised just $30,000 from people in the entire 4th quarter.  

    • great point

      I hope February will be a big fundraising month for Ed too. He won’t be able to match spending dollar for dollar, but he should be able to raise enough to get his message out.

  • What's the word on...

    …getting the netroots to get behind Ed much like they have with Mark Pera and Donna Edwards?  DMD: You have inroads with the likes of Kos, right?  

    How can we get Ed the sort of money Kos and co. delivered for Pera?

    • I don't know Kos

      but I have already seen on some of the Pera and Edwards threads that other people have told him he needs to get behind Ed Fallon.

      I think once the dust settles from the presidential primaries, more bloggers will begin to focus on this race.

      The guys at Open Left are already following it closely, and Jerome Armstrong agreed to let me post on the front-page of MyDD about the race from time to time.
