IA-01: More than a dozen Democratic legislators endorse Monica Vernon

Some of the most prominent Democratic legislators living in Iowa’s first Congressional district have endorsed Cedar Rapids City Council member Monica Vernon, a day after she announced she will run for Congress again in 2016. The group includes lawmakers from the three largest metro areas in IA-01:

Cedar Rapids (State Senators Liz Mathis and Rob Hogg, State Representatives Art Staed, Kirsten Running-Marquardt and Liz Bennett)

Waterloo/Cedar Falls (State Senator Bill Dotzler and State Representative Timi Brown-Powers)

Dubuque (Iowa Senate President Pam Jochum)

Support from Mathis is particularly noteworthy, because many Iowa Democrats encouraged her to run for Congress in 2014. Mathis endorsed Vernon shortly before last year’s five-way primary.

Former State Senator Jack Hatch and several current lawmakers who live outside IA-01 also endorsed Vernon today: State Senators Joe Bolkcom, Bob Dvorsky, and Rich Taylor, and State Representatives Vicki Lensing, Mary Mascher, and Sally Stutsman. All besides Taylor represent parts of Johnson County, which is part of the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City corridor.

The full press release from Vernon’s campaign is after the jump. It sends a strong signal to any other Democrats who may be considering this race, including former State Senator Swati Dandekar and Ravi Patel, the president of Hawkeye Hotels.

From Vernon for Congress, January 16


Campaign Receives Early Broad-Based Support, Praising “Vernon’s ability to bring people together to solve some of our toughest problems”

CEDAR RAPIDS – Cedar Rapids City Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tempore Monica Vernon today announced over a dozen endorsements of leaders across the state in her bid for congress in Iowa’s First Congressional District.

For more information visit: www.monicavernonforcongress.com

“Monica Vernon has the determination and drive to make a real difference in Congress for Northeast Iowa – she’s run a small business, raised three daughters, and been a strong leader for Iowa. I’m so excited to be supporting her for the First Congressional District race in 2016” State Senator Liz Mathis (Linn County) said.

State Senator Rob Hogg (Linn County) followed with, “Monica Vernon will be a wonderful Congresswoman who will work together to make progress for our country.  She has been making progress for Cedar Rapids for years, as a mother, as a small businesswoman, and as a city council member.”

“I’m supporting Monica Vernon because she’ll be a leader and strong voice for the working men and women in the district; will advocate for raising the minimum wage; and will protect workers’ and their ability to collectively bargain” said Senator Bill Dotzler (Black Hawk County).

State Senator and President of the Senate, Pam Jochum (Dubuque County) said, “I am thrilled to be supporting Monica Vernon for Congress. In Rod Blum’s first few votes in Congress, he has shown his loyalty to Steve King and the extreme right and has proven he’s out of touch with everyday Iowans. Monica will always put our needs ahead of politics as usual in Washington, D.C.”

Below is the complete list of leaders who are endorsing Monica Vernon today:

State Senator and President of the Senate Pam Jochum

State Senator Liz Mathis

State Senator Rob Hogg

State Senator Bill Dotzler

State Senator Joe Bolkcom

State Senator Bob Dvorsky

State Senator Rich Taylor

Former State Senator Jack Hatch

State Representative Art Staed

State Representative Kirsten Running-Marquardt

State Representative Liz Bennett

State Representative Timi Brown-Powers

State Representative Vicki Lensing

State Representative Mary Mascher

State Representative Sally Stutsman

About the Author(s)


  • danielson?

    I always hear rumors Sen. Danielson wants to run for Congress or Governor.  Interesting he didn’t endorse.  

    • my impression

      is that he plans to run for re-election in Iowa Senate district 30 in 2016, but I will seek to confirm that.

    • he supported Anesa Kajtazovic

      in the 2014 primary, so the fact that he didn’t endorse may mean he has another preferred candidate, not necessarily himself.

  • Mathis

    I always thought (and hoped) since the midterms that Liz Mathis would come to the rescue in 2016 as a strong candidate in IA-01. Obviously, it would appear now that she’s not going to seek that office. I’m wondering if she’s angling for a statewide office in 2018?

    • many believe

      she will consider running for governor in 2018. So will Pam Jochum and Janet Petersen. I doubt they would all run against each other in a primary. Will be interesting to watch.

  • Just FYI

    A different take on Monica Vernon.  http://downwithtyranny.blogspo…

    Is DWT right?  I hope not.

    • let's give her a chance

      to articulate what she stands for before we write her off as a corporate conservative.

      Is she probably less progressive than Pat Murphy? Yes.  

  • Patel

    Doesn’t Ravi actually have more ties to Iowa City and Burlington?  I know IA-1 is where the action is now, and he has business ties in Cedar Rapids, but would his candidacy just be a product of the fact that Dave Loebsack occupies IA-2.

    • I don't know a lot about him

      but a quick look at his background suggests that he has stronger ties in Iowa City, yes.

      Very young candidates for Congress don’t have a great track record in competitive Iowa primaries.
