IA-03: David Young wants to "bring a dose of Iowa reality to Washington"

Republican Congressional candidate David Young has launched his first television commercial of the general election campaign. I’ve posted the video and transcript to “Good Meal” after the jump. Echoing his opponent Staci Appel’s promise to “bring Iowa common sense to Washington,” Young’s new ad vows to “bring a dose of Iowa reality to Washington.” Speaking to the camera, Young separates himself from beltway insiders who are mismanaging the government: “I get it, and you get it. Why can’t they?”

Campaigning against Washington is standard practice, but this rhetoric is real chutzpah coming from a guy who has spent most of his adult life as a Congressional staffer based in the capital. The fundraising e-mail that accompanied today’s ad release glossed over Young’s professional background, asserting, “Washington needs David,” and urging supporters to “Help send David to Washington,” as if Young hadn’t spent the better part of two decades there.

Any comments about the race in IA-03 are welcome in this thread.

P.S.- While many voters would probably agree with Young’s claim that the federal government “overspends” and “overtaxes,” Young is smart enough to know better. Fact is, the federal tax burden on most American households is at historically low levels, whether you look at federal income taxes only or total federal taxes. By the same token, total federal government spending as a share of U.S. gross domestic product has “fallen dramatically” since the Great Recession ended, and the federal government “outside Social Security and Medicare is already significantly below its historical average size.”  

David Young for Congress commercial, “Good Meal”:

Young speaks to the camera, sitting at what looks like the counter of an empty small-town diner: Iowans just want a good meal and good government. [There’s a meal in a basket on the counter near Young; in small print near the bottom of the screen, the viewer can see DAVID YOUNG U.S. CONGRESS, IOWA’S THIRD DISTRICT]

Well, we get the good meal, but our government overspends, overtaxes, and overregulates. It under-performs. [viewer sees a fork digging in to a classic diner meal. Young girls are shown eating the food, and the view fades back to Young speaking as he says “overtaxes, and overregulates.” The view moves closer as he says “It under-performs.”]

I get it, and you get it. Why can’t they? [View of Young speaking to people, fades back to Young sitting at counter, speaking to camera. Website YoungforIowa.com is visible on screen]

I’ll bring a dose of Iowa reality to Washington. Then maybe we can have a good meal and good government. [Viewer sees Young speaking, then it fades to image of people in diner, American flag flying is visible outside window; then view shifts back to Young speaking to camera]

I’m David Young, and I approved this message.

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  • This ad doesn't make sense

    What does a good meal have to do with anything?  Ok, I don’t agree on the rest of it either, but none of it logically connects together.  I guess our household is not the target audience, because none of us gets it.

    • I think the point

      is to evoke a friendly, comfortable feeling about David Young. As you say, it’s not exactly a well-crafted argument.
