Iowa wildflower Wednesday: A mystery in the blazing star group

Happy Halloween to the Bleeding Heartland community! I don’t have any scary nature photos to share. Instead, to mark the holiday, this week’s featured Iowa wildflower is a mystery I haven’t been able to identify. I hope a native plants expert will be able to tell me which kind of blazing star (Liatris) it is. Some have suggested rough blazing star (Liatris aspera) or dotted blazing star (Liatris punctata). I thought rough blazing star looked more like these plants, but I’m not sure.

This is an open thread: all topics welcome.

I took these pictures about four weeks ago near Gray’s Lake in Des Moines. Unfortunately, the resolution is not great, and I didn’t get back before the first frost to take a closer look at some of the plants’ features.

mystery blazing star photo mysteryblazingstar2_zps85b7a295.jpg

mystery blazing star photo mysteryblazingstar_zps1e0e8c79.jpg

My hunch is that this isn’t rough blazing star, because I think the flowerheads on rough blazing star look more button-like, as in this picture:

Blazing star blooming, Blazing star blooming in central Iowa, September 2012

Tags: Wildflowers

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