Weekend open thread: Long summer days edition

I’ve had to be away from my computer for a few days. This week I’ll catch up on the Senate farm bill votes as well as campaign twists and turns from Mitt Romney and Christie Vilsack. For now, here’s a weekend open thread. All topics are welcome.

Billy Parish posted a good guest diary about solar power to mark the longest day of the year. Iowa’s new tax incentives for solar power should boost this industry over the next couple of years. Credit goes to the lawmakers who struck a good deal and to Governor Terry Branstad for signing the bill.

If you’re out enjoying the summer weather, beware of misleading sunscreen labels. I highly recommend the Environmental Working Group’s sunscreen rankings, which consider both effectiveness at preventing sunburn and harmful chemical ingredients (carcinogens or endocrine disruptors).

A teenager drowned last week at Raccoon River Park in West Des Moines. Reading about the tragedy reminded me to post this link again: Drowning doesn’t look like drowning.

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  • Fascinating...

    That link about drowning was fascinating. I had no idea what to look for in a drowning person. That makes me want to have lifeguard training before I even consider having kids.

  • Everybody catch his one?

    Over on Blog for Iowa:

    “A Muslim school applied for state money for private religious schools in Louisiana. Boy their legislature never saw that one coming. Seriously.”

    GOOGLE that. The reaction in the legislature was predictable, however before being rejected the Muslim school withdrew the request.

    Here’s an interesting article about it:

