Everything you need to know about Ron Paul

As a typical egotistical, arrogant, columnist/blogger, I usually think I can express my viewpoints better than anyone else. But when it comes to summing up the Ron Paul situation, the conservative blogger Erick Erikson says everything anyone needs to know.

This is from Erick’s column today in www.redstate.com:

“Let me get this straight.

Twenty years ago someone put some crazy, racist stuff in newsletters bearing Ron Paul’s name and written in the first person as if they were from Ron Paul.

Ron Paul never read them.

Ten years ago, when confronted with some of the crazy stuff (I’m trying really hard not to use “crazy s**t” here), Ron Paul says he wrote them, but they must be taken in their whole context to understand them.

Fast forward to the present and Ron Paul never wrote them, does not know who wrote them, cannot recall the names of anyone who worked for him who might have written them, is shocked to learn he made big money off them, and people think this guy has the qualifications to be President of the United States?

Letting someone write bat crap crazy stuff under your name, not knowing who they are or what they are doing, profiting from them, then taking responsibility before denying responsibility is credible?!

If we’re to take Ron Paul at his word, maybe we need to get him an Alzheimer’s test. he is old. Hell, if pigs did fly and he did get elected President, he’d be 81 at the end of his first term.”

Eric may normally be wrong about, well, everything, but he sure nails this perfectly

About the Author(s)

TJ Walker

  • Ron Paul

    Its very unlikely that a candidate for the GOP nomination would walk out on a reporter in front of a camera like he did with Gloria Borger.  They usually smile and spin everything again.  I kinda like his foreign policy (except it gets extreme), but pulling back somewhat,  quit being the world’s policeman, and quit trying to make everybody else just like us.  However, his economic policies are somewhat frightening.  Of course, in one debate,  they were interrupting him and he was saying, “Of course, we wouldn’t do it all at once,  we’d have to do it over a long period of time.”  so he isn’t advocating doing all of this in the first year.  but he’s 76 years old.  How old was McCain?  

    In my opinion,  his son is the dangerous one.  The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,  and that apple has a rotten core.    
