Why I am running for Congress

Marco Battaglia was the Libertarian Party of Iowa’s candidate for attorney general in 2018 and lieutenant governor in 2022. He is running for Congress in Iowa’s third district this year.

I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I am registered Libertarian. I am aware that some baggage comes with that label. I am trying to set a positive example of what the term means both historically and today for as many of my active fellow patriots as is possible.

I would love for all of us on the ballot to debate respectfully together and to run as no party, but the government of Iowa and the federal government make it impossible to do so at this time. I would love to help change this. I would rather serve people and talk about individual issues than talk about political parties. If anyone thinks critically enough about enough issues, they will soon discover that both a left to right spectrum and a two-party system are obsolete.

I think most Iowans would firmly be Libertarians or independents if they really gave it some consideration. No one needs like-minded individuals to stand up, loud and proud, more right now than the politically disenfranchised and our incarcerated individuals. We desperately need representation in the state house and the people’s house. We urgently need to take back the house for “we the people,” and take back our Republic for “we the people.” It is our right and duty to do so honorably as citizens of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Without representation, this country is one big prison run by bullies and thieves, and that is precisely what our public servants have let Iowa become for far too many people. I don’t consider myself left or right when it comes to politics. I look at issues individually and try to understand where other people are coming from even if we disagree on something. At the end of the day we are all individuals, each with inherent rights.

I have never been and will never be a lobbyist. And I will never take donations for a Congressional campaign from anywhere besides individual Iowans.

I have no future election plans other than perhaps at the local level. Unless called by the people to serve the district, I plan to focus on my neighborhood and my community for the foreseeable future. If so called, I will work with anyone to best represent the people of my district, the entire constitution, and the inherent rights of the individual. I don’t bend the knee for any politician or political party, and I never will. I am unashamed and bold in my love for what America could and should be. I have a lot of hope for my sons to see a glimpse of this glory.

I don’t believe in leading via fear, bullying, appeals to authority, or intimidation, and those who do so disgust me. Respect and trust are earned. I am not afraid of anyone from anywhere and I despise how divided we have become. I would love to be able to help move things in a positive direction and I will give my all to do so with honor and respect.

I do firmly agree with Major General Smedley Darlington Butler—one of the most decorated Marines in U.S. history and the only person to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor for two separate military actions—that “War is a racket.” Unless the Congress approves a declaration of war, we should be talking about fostering peace with the rest of the world and respecting basic human rights for all.

As the Italian proverb says: “At the End of the Game, the King and the Pawn Go Back in the Same Box.”

About the Author(s)

Marco Battaglia
