Color me disgusted!

Henry Jay Karp is the Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Emanuel in Davenport, Iowa, which he served from 1985 to 2017. He is the co-founder and co-convener of One Human Family QCA, a social justice organization.

This week, I shared an article about U.S. Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks claiming in a televised interview that President Joe Biden would step onto to the debate stage, high on drugs to cover up his “cognitive decline.” I described her comments as “dirty politics scraping the bottom of the barrel,” and her efforts to curry favor with Dictator-for-a-day Donald as a sign of her own “moral & ethical decline.”

Well, after anguishing through Thursday night’s debate, I have to admit that Miller-Meeks had it partially right. It was obvious that Biden was on something when he stepped onto the debate stage: cold drugs. His hoarse, gravely voice, his obvious congestion, his partial brain fog gave ample testimony to every speaker’s and performer’s nightmare of falling ill and being medicated just before having to step on stage before an audience.

Even so, while Biden failed to deliver the knock-out punches that Trump deserved, he was able to counter the litany of outrageous lies with facts—feebly delivered, but facts nonetheless.

As disgusted as I was by Miller-Meeks’ defamatory attacks on the president the day before the debate, I was equally disgusted, if not more so, by the many commentators, journalists, and fellow Democrats who were so quick to throw Biden under the bus after the debate. Many floated or demanded his removal as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Friday morning, turning to the editorial page of the New York Times, it was disgraceful to witness such calls coming from op-eds writer I greatly respect.

First, a Times Opinion roundup: “‘God Help Us’: 12 Writers Rate Biden’s Performance at the First Presidential Debate.” (Later on June 28, the lead editorial declared, “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race.”)

Thomas Friedman: “Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.”

Frank Bruni: “Biden Cannot Go on Like This”

Nicholas Kristof: “President Biden, I’ve Seen Enough”

Is this the way America repays a person who has led our nation with dignity, integrity, wisdom, and compassion for the last four years? One bad night and out he goes?

Is this how we repay the man who accomplished so much in his efforts to bring us out of the dark days of the COVID-19 epidemic, doing it in spite of a hostile Republican stranglehold on the U.S. House? Imagine how much more he could have accomplished if the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for the past two years.

Are we so ready to forget the horrors of the Trump presidency, with the cruelty of its family separation policy, its feeding the fires of white supremacy hate, and its COVID denialism that cost so many American lives?

Are we to be a nation ungrateful for exemplary service, ready at a moment’s notice to toss aside a tested defender of the rights of all Americans, and surrender our democracy back into the hands of a hateful aspiring despot who proudly proclaims his intention to exchange our freedoms for an autocracy based on the governments of the most despicable tyrants of our day? The man is literally selling the powers of the presidency to the highest corporate bidders. Shame! Shame! Shame!

And why are we doing this? For one bad performance on the debate stage? Not how one has “performed” their duties while in the Oval Office, but rather how one has “performed” on a stage. The show they put on to entertain an audience.

Is that what presidential debates have become about? Shouldn’t they be more about the messages, ideas, and ideals expressed than about the stage presence of the presenters? The very idea that Trump won that debate by telling lie after lie after lie after lie makes me want to puke.

Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels famously said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Is this what the U.S. is becoming, a land where victory is handed to a well-spoken liar rather than to the messenger of truth? If so, God Help America!

About the Author(s)

Henry Jay Karp

  • Nazi references and blind faith/allegiance to a failed leader

    The Nazi references are quite timely in this day and age. Blind faith to Biden or any mere mortal is frightening to say the least. Even Sen. Tom Harkin has called for Biden to drop out:

    Biden propaganda machine would rival 1930’s Germany. He got 51 former intelligence officers to sign off on the big lie calling the Hunter Biden laptop a “Russian hoax.” Turns out not only is the laptop real and Hunter’s property, but Joe’s DOJ entered it as evidence in the successful trial against Hunter. His son was found guilty and like DJT he is now a convicted felon.

  • Build Back Better

    Excellent comments. When President Biden developed his Build Back Better agenda, he drew from the agendas put forward by other Democratic Presidential candidates — on the environment, on tax policy, on foreign relations, and on children and families. He has been steadfast in championing this agenda and those who developed different fe. atures of it. He really established common ground across those considered moderate and those considered progressive. This is not “headline-getting” work but it is how government functions best. This overarching message and agenda resonates with the public and really supports families, children, seniors, and those who care for them. More Democratic candidates need to

  • Build Back Better

    Excellent comments. When President Biden developed his Build Back Better agenda, he drew from the agendas put forward by other Democratic Presidential candidates — on the environment, on tax policy, on foreign relations, and on children and families. He has been steadfast in championing this agenda and those who developed different fe. atures of it. He really established common ground across those considered moderate and those considered progressive. This is not “headline-getting” work but it is how government functions best. This overarching message and agenda resonates with the public and really supports families, children, seniors, and those who care for them. More Democratic candidates need to also champion these agendas and give persuadable and conscientious voters, urban and rural, reasons to vote for them and not simply to vote against their opponent.

  • Elections have consequences.

    Biden has been a tremendous President. However, those accomplishments seem to be lost in today’s media environment. Polling shows that Trump is likely to win in November. The debate was THE opportunity to put concerns about Biden’s ability to communicate to bed. Tom Harkin did something few Democrats in Iowa can….win. Harkin knows Iowa as well as national politics. Iowans voted for Harkin because 1) they trusted him, because 2) he spoke plainly and honestly.

    The folks who threw the President under the bus merely commented on what the debate stage showed. Harkin, more than anything, wants Democrats to succeed. Too many Democrats focus on being Democrats, as opposed to being honest, plain-spoken leaders. I suspect that will become obvious in November. Harkin, were he in the Senate, I suspect would put country first, party second, and walk into the Oval and encourage President Biden to withdraw his candidacy, for the good of the country and the good of the Democratic Party.

    I find it hard to believe that an under 30 voter would be excited for either candidate. GOP is a cult under Trump and will stick with the convict and rapist until the end. Maybe I am the only one who misses Tom Harkin….

  • Agree with Harkin - Biden must go

    I volunteered for Tom Harkin’s successful 1984 campaign for US Senate. It was an uphill battle as Reagan was up for re-election and won 49 states. Harkin was a true “man of the people” and won perhaps the most heated election in Iowa history over incumbent Roger Jepsen. It was one of the few bright spots on election day 1984. I respect Tom and he realizes that the democratic party is bigger than any one person. If Biden stays on the ticket not only will the republicans sweep all four congressional seats in Iowa(again) but I see both houses of congress along with the White House going to the republicans. Then the circular firing squad and fingering pointing will begin. Carville and others will roast those who blindly stuck with Biden as he took the party down the toilet.

  • Not repayment

    “Is this the way America repays a person who has led our nation with dignity, integrity, wisdom, and compassion for the last four years? One bad night and out he goes?” The election isn’t about repayment or rewards for past, brilliant service. The presidency is not a gold watch. It’s about beating Trump.

    Yes. I’m a Joe guy. He and I are the same age. I know a little about the aches and pains of age, but I only know Joe’s mind and body by what I see on TV. I saw him several tine in 2019-20 when he was campaigning in Iowa. I want to vote for him in November. It’s his brain and experience I want, not his slower gait of his unfortunate stutter.

    The “debate” was unfortunate. I do wonder about his campaign staff who put him in a position where he was 99% sure to fail. 90-minutes with no notes answering rapid fire questions in two-minute spurts. And that in a hailstorm of lies, disinformation, and bullying. Trump skimpily recited his campaign speech.

    That said, Joe is in a hole where he and supporters (like me) need to reunite the party. I don’t want another Bernie-Hillary fissure. If he decides to reboot. Fine. If he decides to reopen the selection process. Fine. But, as much as I love Joe, it’s keeping Trump out of the WH that matters most.

  • Yes there is one way for Biden: the way out

    Biden was unable to tame Netanyahu and his bloody retributions in Gaza. After the debate, the whole country, our allies and adversaries have seen that Biden suffers from some advanced stage dementia. This is why many of his former supporters have changed their mind.

    America deserves a President on top of their skills. There is only one way for Biden: a gracious yet late entry into retirement.

  • disgusted

    I’m disgusted at how the media and some party members have covered for President Biden. It’s like having a “serial squatter’ in the White House. They should be ashamed of themselves! Am truly proud of former Sen. Tom Harkin.
