Open thread on good political blogs in Iowa

I’m not trying to fish for compliments, but Washington Post blogger Chris Cillizza is compiling a list of the best state political blogs and had this to say today:

• South Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire — the three most important states in the presidential nominating process — are surprisingly light on good political blogs.

Granted, Iowa’s blogosphere is not as developed as that of Virginia, Texas, New Jersey, Minnesota or Michigan, to name a few of the bloggier states. But I don’t think we do too badly. I enjoy many of the sites on our blogroll.

What Iowa political blogs do you like to read, and what should I add to the Bleeding Heartland blogroll?

If your county Democrats have a good blog, let me know, because I’m planning to add the county Dem sites to the blogroll too.

You can nominate blogs for Cillizza’s “best of” list by commenting in this thread. As far as I saw, the only Iowa blogs nominated on his earlier thread were Iowa Independent and The Iowa Republican (which nominated itself).

Tags: Blogging, Iowa

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  • Here's the top Progressive Blogs

    in no particular order…

    Bleeding Heartland

    John Deeth

    Essential Estrogen

    Century of the Common Iowan

    Popular Progressive

    Blog for Iowa

    Iowa Liberal

    and now would be a great time for someone to start a new blog.  Republicans have had a few good blogs startup recently.

    • when I look at West Michigan Rising

      which is a regional blog, I realize how much more we could be doing. They have three or four correspondents writing from different areas in the state. I am not sure we need new blogs so much as we need more writers on the blogs we have. I would love to see original reporting or analysis posted in the diary section here every day.

      The Bean Walker, one of the new Republican startups, is useful because it drives traffic to the existing blogs in the state. It would be nice if someone started up a left-leaning version of that.

      • More Writers

        Is there a how-to somewhere for creating diaries. For instance, what’s the proper format to select? Some of us long in the tooth are new to this.

  • nominated bleeding heartland

    I actually replied to him on twitter and nominated bleeding heartland, so I hope that works out.
