• Quick Intitial reaction

    Who screwed up?

    No major screw ups. Chris Matthews did ride Giulinai a couple of times. Either way, I don’t think Rudy’s messages are going to resonate well with the conservative base.

    Who did well?

    I still think Hackabee is going to be the sleeper and slowly sneaks up in the end. His positivie energy and optimism may just be what the GOP needs in their party’s identity crisis.

    Romney did well and seemed more persoanble and held his ground.

    Who scared you?

    McCain always scares me, especially when he gets into his Fire and Brimstone finger-pointing fits. I sware he’s having flashbacks. He did this 2 or 3 times, usually sparked by pork barrelling.

    Who made you roll on the floor laughing?

    After Gravel’s performance last week, they all seemed tame. Sadly, Chris Matthews was the funniest participant.
