Does your head hurt like mine??

I’d love to just get in there and hear what fellow Democrats have to say/suggest.

One thing I’d love to see most is absolutely no more comments about Trump/his supporters/his campaign, no more arguing, no more backlash, etc…. I want to see our Democratic party get back to running a clean campaign and hearing what our party will do for this country and moving forward.

I’m just exhausted in hearing of when we’ll hear about Trumps taxes, his health reports, etc. We’re starting to behave more like ‘Trumps’:  If Hillary just faces things head on (as she has) without falter, I believe we’ll start pulling out of a dark ugly hole we’re going to easily fall into!!!

My mother used to say ‘IGNORE THEM’ – and they’ll go away!

NO MORE NEGATIVE from the Democrats – we need to be respected!

About the Author(s)


  • I only agree in part

    Democrats do need to focus on positive messages when getting out the vote. Criticizing Trump’s supporters is not productive.

    But I think it’s important to point out the double-standards being applied to Clinton and Trump. There’s a lot of “both sides” false equivalency garbage in the media, and nothing wrong with Democrats calling attention to that.

    • ... head still hurts!

      I get that, but I think we have pointed out the double-standards and need to really start focusing more on pushing forward in a positive campaign that will reflect in a better and cleaner road ahead for Hillary. She’s done great up util a few weeks now and it’s the trash talk back and forth that’s making her look like she’s coming in at Trumps level and we’re better than that!! I want to continue hearing what she’s going to do for the United States – and the media will be bored with that! We, the intelligent voters, can see what Trumps mentality brings, I just want to make sure we stay on a classy playing field! Let the media keep talking about the text messages – if that’s all they have. Thanks for your input –
