About that New Yorker cover

You know, the one showing Barack Obama in traditional Muslim dress fist-bumping Michelle Obama, who sports an Angela-Davis-style afro and a machine gun, while the American flag burns in the fireplace?

I understand the point the cartoonist was trying to make, but in my view it was a poor editorial decision to put that on the magazine cover. Put it inside the magazine, where people who read the article about Obama will see it. On the cover it will reach many times more people, most of whom won’t understand the irony.

Pam Spaulding of Pam’s House blend has a guest post up at Open Left with an interesting take on this controversy, sexism and racism.

Speaking of Obama-related artwork, if you’ve got $65,000 burning a hole in your pocket, you can bid on this mixed-media piece called “Obama HOPE” (proceeds go to a charity bringing the arts to urban youth).  

Tags: Barack Obama

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  • I found it offensive

    I consider myself reasonably well-informed, but I’m not sure I quite understand all of the irony. What is the point of the gun?

    Satire or not, I just didn’t think it was funny.  
