These candidates made the first cut for Harkin's donations

Last week I told you about Senator Tom Harkin’s contest to determine which Iowa House and Senate candidates will receive campaign donations from him.

Anyone can sign up at his website and vote for their favored candidates (though as

John Deeth noted, Harkin has excluded a few candidates who are challenging Democratic incumbents).

Today Harkin sent out this mass e-mail announcing the first-round winners:

After over a week of voting and thousands of votes cast on for Iowa’s best and brightest progressive leaders, I am proud to announce the top 20 House candidates and the top 10 Senate candidates.

For the Iowa State House you nominated:  Tom Avenarius (D-32), McKinley Bailey (D-9), Cayle Baresel (D-17), Frank Best (D-87), Ron Fedler (D-91), Gene Ficken (D-23), Elesha Gayman (D-84), Tim Hoy (D-44), Kurt Hubler (D-99), Gretchen Lawyer (D-36), Larry Marek (D-89), Chris Nelson (D-58), Eric Palmer (D-75), Matthew Pfaltzgraf (D-70), Mark Smith (D-43), TJ Templeton (D-3), James Van Bruggen (D-4), Pat Van Zante (D-71), Andrew Wenthe (D-18), Nate Willems (D-29).

For the Iowa State Senate you nominated: Randy Braden (D-20), Swati Dandekar (D-18), Jeff Danielson (D-10), Mike Gronstal (D-50), Mary Jo Wilhelm (D-8), Pam Jochum (D-14), Tom Rielly (D-38), Sharon Savage (D-40), Steve Sodders (D-22), Frank Wood (D-42).

The level of enthusiasm you displayed in the nominating round of our “Building Blue” competition shows that Iowa Democrats are fired up and have the energy we need to win in November.

Now the fun part of our competition really gets under way.

Starting today and ending Tuesday, June 3rd, you and your friends and family can click here to vote for your favorite candidate.

The top 5 vote getters from the House and Senate will each receive a $2,000 donation for their campaigns.

These 10 finalists will then advance to the final round, starting June 4, where you will then pick the winner of a $5,000 contribution.

Thank you for supporting these legislative candidates and congratulations to all of these leaders for their service to the people of Iowa.

Be sure to visit today to vote for your favorite candidate in the second round.  And let’s continue building Iowa blue for November.


Senator Tom Harkin

If you plan to vote for any candidates for the second round, I urge you not to select Democrats in safe seats. For instance, Mike Gronstal does not need any extra money from Harkin to get re-elected.

Please choose either candidates trying to win Republican seats, incumbents who are being targeted by the GOP, or candidates trying to hold seats vacated by retiring Democrats.

You can use this comment thread to make the case for the candidates you’re supporting.

About the Author(s)


  • James Van Bruggen

    should get your vote for the contest! He was the only Democrat brave enough to take on Dwayne Alons in this currently Republican district. Dwayne Alons’ seat can be won due to his weird statements (such as claiming global warming won’t harm us because of air conditioning in addition to others), our favorable environment, and Alons has never faced a Democratic challenger until now, and only once faced a primary challenger. If we ever expect to get universal health care, ban coal plants, and advance a progressive, democratic agenda then we have to support Democrats everywhere. If James got $7,000 it would be HUGE! In his NW-Iowa district that money can go a long way and swing the seat into our favor.

    • excellent point

      That kind of money goes further in some districts than in others.

      Alons is horrible, and I am glad to see a Democrat step up to the plate in that district.

  • I want to put in a word for Pam Jochum

    who is a strong proponent of clean elections reform.

  • Dandekar and Gayman

    Gayman needs the help and Dandekar is a rising star.

    • I agree on both counts

      I would only say that Dandekar probably has less trouble raising funds on her own than some of our other candidates.

    • speaking of Dandekar

      Great example of how someone not from Iowa, who did not even grow up in this country, can still relate to Iowans and represent them effectively.

  • Matthew Pfaltzgraf (D-70)

    This is a young up and comer running in what is usually a safe republican district. Matt I think has a legit chance at winning. He has had some pretty impressive fund raising and is running uncontested in the primary up in ankeny. he is definatly worth donating and pushing for. He is well connected within the party and is moderate enough to win in that district. Also I believe the Obama coat tails will help him out because Obama did very well in ankeny during the caucuses  

    • while I am concerned about Obama's

      ability to win the general election, he should have no trouble beating McCain in Iowa, and as you say, he probably will have real coattails in some areas.

  • a vote for Eric Palmer

    Good thread/discussion.  I base my vote on 2 things.  First and foremost, substance.  He has the backbone to stand up for justice and basic rights.  For example, one issue he stood up for should be a no brainer issue, passing a law against consumer fraud.  I say it is a no brainer because from what I have heard and read, Iowa is the only state not to have some version such a law.  Unfortunately, the law seems to go nowhere, despite the urging of our Attorney General and other citizen groups.  Rep. Palmer sponsored a bill this year.

    The second reason is because politically he should be a top priority.  He knocked off a very powerful Republican who was pretty self-important and seemed to be only motivated by more power, Danny Carroll.  That makes him incumbent, but since Danny is challenging him again, it also makes him a top target for R’s to knock off in a swing district.  This should make him a priority.  Incumbents should be first in line over challengers, and hotly contested seats should be first in line over relatively safe races.  Eric Palmer is a hotly contested incumbent, and a candidate with a backbone for justice.  

    • if I only had a dollar

      for every good bill that our Democratic legislative leaders in Iowa don’t allow to go anywhere…

      Thanks for your comment. We need people like Eric Palmer in the statehouse.
