What has Senator Charles Grassley done specifically for Iowa?

I Googled the question, “What has Senator Charles Grassley done specifically for Iowa?”, and I didn’t really get an answer. I found several Bios touting the committees he has sat on and even chaired. I found a great deal of info regarding Senator Grassley’s personal accomplishments but nothing concrete regarding anything significant specifically for Iowa. My impression is that he is just another Republican Party “Puppet” and I am seeking factual information that might alter my perception.

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  • his constituent service

    has always had a good reputation. Many Iowans would tell you Senator Grassley’s office helped them with some problem.

    No doubt he would claim that various stands he has taken on agriculture-related issues are “specifically for Iowa.”

    Grassley’s lifetime voting record is very typical for a Senate Republican. See the Progressive Punch ratings in almost any category.
