Progressive Coalition of Central Iowa - Action endorses Fallon

Got this press release from Ed Fallon’s campaign today:

Fallon Receives PCCI-A Endorsement

Thursday, May 1, 2008 (3:30 PM CDT) – Ed Fallon today announced his endorsement by the Progressive Coalition of Central Iowa – Action (PCCI-A). Board President Vern Naffier notified Fallon today that the board of PCCI-A had voted unanimously to support him in his bid to unseat incumbent Congressman Leonard Boswell in Iowa’s Third District.

Fallon expressed his gratitude for the endorsement, saying, “I’m grateful to have the support of PCCI-A. These folks are community activists who have been working on issues that have always been a focus of my own political and community involvement.”

Earlier in the campaign, one of PCCI-A’s member organizations, STAR*PAC, also endorsed Fallon’s candidacy.

PCCI-A is a 501(c)(5) corporation that exists separately from PCCI, a 501(c)(3) organization. Naffier acknowledged that PCCI-A would not be making a financial contribution, as Fallon does not accept contributions from PACs and paid lobbyists.

Even if Fallon took money from PACs, the value of an endorsement like this can’t be measured in dollars.

It’s obvious that Congressman Leonard Boswell will be able to outspend Fallon in the traditional paid media, and it seems unlikely that Boswell will take a chance and debate Fallon on the issues.

Fallon’s best chance is to mobilize large numbers of progressive foot-soldiers, such as those in PCCI-A, to get out the vote for him. These people are well-known in their neighborhoods and have large social networks.

I don’t expect a very high turnout on June 3. This race is winnable for Fallon with enough people pounding the pavement for him.

About the Author(s)


  • Wow

    Call me crazy but does this surprise anyone? Personally I will take the endorsement of AFSCME, UAW, AFL-CIO, Al Gore and all of the other endorsements boswell has received over star pac and PCCI-A. Especially since these progressive groups around polk county are all made up of the same 50 people.

    • anyone who challenges an incumbent has an uphill battle

      Of course, in an ideal world, every candidate would want to have the big labor unions and star politicians, but that is never going to happen for any challenger of an entrenched incumbent.

      I don’t know of any prominent person in politics who endorsed Donna Edwards against Al Wynn.

      My point is that these people are longtime grassroots organizers. If they get involved in the campaign (as opposed to just issuing a press release and writing a check), they can deliver a lot of votes.
