Counter Corporate Attacks and Donate to Iowa Democratic Blogger Approved Candidates

The end of the first fundraising quarter is Monday, March 31st and I thought I'd ask my readers to consider donating to one of the candidates on the Iowa Democratic Bloggers ActBlue page.

The candidates that I would like to ask you to consider donating to are Elesha Gayman, McKinley Bailey, and Eric Palmer. These three candidates have been targeted by a group funded by RJ Reynolds, Mid American Energy, and other corporations. Negative ads have been running throughout their districts on the issues of property tax relief and fair share.

These candidates are all serving in their first term in the Iowa House and are top targets by state Republicans. Please chip in to help these great candidates counter the corporate funded attacks and win re-election this November.

Click here to donate.

About the Author(s)


  • Please Consider James Van Bruggen For Your ActBlue Page

    James Van Bruggen is running for House District-04 in the Iowa Legislature. To turn America blue (a progressive one), we need to start from the ground up. This election is a great example of that.

    I was a volunteer for the Edwards campaign and would always see him and talk to him at the Des Moines HQ. Not only as a candidate, but as a person he is genuine. James is going up against five-term “Steve King” republican Dwayne Alons in this district that is composed of Lyon and part of Sioux counties in NW Iowa. Two huge reasons James may actually be able to pull this off with support from the netroots community, 1) Dwayne Alons hasn’t had a general election competition EVER! And he hasn’t even faced a primary challenge in 10 years! 2) Dwayne Alons has made a lot of disgusting statements over the years such as claiming the ancient Maya were a race of giants due to warmer temperatures and that the invention of air conditioning means that global warming is not a problem.…

    There’s also some interesting background with James, he is a hemophiliac and has been chosen to be the keynote speaker at the Midwest Bleeding Disorder Community Advocacy Conference on April 4-5 in Oak Brook, Illinois.

    I know James can win this thing if he is able to earn the netroots support he needs.

  • I plan on featuring candidates each month up unitl the election

    Thanks for the input.  I encourage people to donate to any Democratic candidate that holds strong progressive values.

    I am planning on featuring candidates each up until the election and I will have to check him out.  

  • thanks for this post

    We need to keep focused on the statehouse races. We should be able to expand our majority, but we don’t want to get too cocky and lose some great legislators early in their careers.

  • James' Campaign Website

    James’ official campaign website is if you were interested in taking a look. It looks like it’s still having things added, but may have some information for you. Thanks for the consideration on the donation page!  

  • On the Iowa Democratic

    Bloggers ActBlue page in the description for Eric Palmer it says he is going up against “Denny Carroll.” I believe it’s actually Danny Carroll.
