For a good and thorough update of the delegate race

click on this diary by Daily Kos user PocketNines on “Delegate Math: Where We Stand After Iowa Redux.”

By the way, if you wade through the more than 200 comments on that thread, you’ll see that PocketNines agrees with me–it would not be “cheating” or “stealing” for superdelegates to support Clinton even if Obama fininshes the primaries with more pledged delegates.

I agree with Obama supporters, however, that right now Obama can make the stronger argument to the superdelegates.

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  • Not unfair, but extremely unwise

    Just as with FL and MI, I think it is very important that we abide by the rules that the party established before the primary season started.  Since superdelegates are part of that system, I don’t think it is unfair for them to go for the person who does not get the majority of the pledged delegates.  According to the rules, they can do that.  I think the Obama argument is that it would be extremely unwise for the superdelegates to overturn the pledged delegate result.   Nothing good can come out of that.  With such a close, emotional race, it will be difficult to heal the divisions within our party even without that.  If these supers are such consummate political pros, they must realize this fact.  Nancy Pelosi seems to get it.  I think this also applies if FL and MI get to re-vote (which I think they should) and Hillary somehow ends up winning the pledged delegate race.  
