Boswell mailer touts economic issues

About a month ago, Ed Fallon’s campaign issued a press release criticizing Leonard Boswell for sending out a mass mailer on environmental issues. Key excerpt:

“Boswell is trying to paint himself as an environmentalist,” Fallon said, “but his voting record says otherwise. And for him to mail campaign literature on the public’s tab is flat out wrong.”

The mailing focuses on Boswell’s vote in December for the Energy Independence and Security Act that raises fuel efficiency standards to 35 mpg by 2020. However, in 2001 when House Democrats tried to raise these same CAFE standards to 27.5 mpg by 2007, Boswell joined Republicans to defeat the proposal (08/01/01). “Boswell’s reversal of position, Fallon said, “came only after he learned I might be running against him.” He said the same was true of Boswell’s support for the Safe Climate Act, which was introduced in March 2007. “It took until December – nine months – for Boswell to decide to support the legislation,” Fallon said.

It’s probably good politics for Fallon to complain about Boswell sending out campaign-style fliers at taxpayer expense, but let’s face it–the franking privilege is one of the advantages of incumbency. It’s not realistic to expect Boswell not to use this advantage during the primary campaign.

I never saw that Boswell mailer on the environment–presumably it got tossed in the recycling bin. However, this week I got a piece from Boswell about economic issues. It has the look and feel of a campaign mailing, but the small print says, “This mailing was prepared, published and mailed at taxpayer expense.”

After the jump I have transcribed this week’s mailer for the benefit of readers who are following this race closely but don’t live in the third Congressional district.

The mailer is one 8 1/2 by 11-inch piece.

One side has a big photo of a diverse group of people sitting at a table above the words:

Congressman Leonard Boswell

Boosting the Economy, Helping Iowa’s Businesses Grow

There’s contact information for Boswell’s offices in Washington and Des Moines, including a toll-free number, and a link to Boswell’s Congressional website (

The other side has a small photo of Boswell in the upper left corner.

The following text takes up most of the page:

Dear Fellow Iowan,

One of the most satisfying rewards I experience in Congress is helping create good paying jobs for Iowans. As a member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I’ve been in a position to deliver highway projects which have created thousands of good paying jobs. I’ve voted to lower the cost of college, expand opportunities for small businesses, and invest in alternative energy. And I will continue to fight to make smart investments in our future, make healthcare more affordable, and reduce energy costs.

Please be assured I will continue to work with my colleagues and fellow Iowans to retain and create new jobs in Iowa so that good paying jobs are within reach for all Iowans.

As always, I welcome your thoughts on this and any other issue.

Sincerely, Leonard

Helping Protect Homeowners and Providing Tax Relief for Small Businesses in the Stimulus Package

Homeowners struggling to pay their mortgages and small businesses are particularly vulnerable in our current economy. Boswell voted to protect families who have gone through foreclosure by ensuring that they do not get hit with a large tax bill on the value of their lost home. Boswell supports robust foreclosure prevention counseling to help families stay in their homes, rework or refinance their loans, and prevent the harm foreclosure inflicts on families and communities.

Congressman Boswell supported the Economic Stimulus Package which will help homeowners, small businesses, and Iowan families.

The Economic Stimulus Package:

*Increases the capacity of the Federal Housing Administration, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac to help homeowners rework their loans

*Doubles the amount small businesses can write off for capital investments

*Provides the average Iowan household with a rebate of $923 and pumps a total of $1,2 billion into the Iowa economy

*Boswell also supports legislation encouraging Americans to buy American-made products with their rebate

Expanding Opportunities for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses

Congressman Boswell supported H.R. 3867, the Small Business Contracting Program Improvement Act, which:

*Expands opportunities for veteran-owned small businesses, including those who are service-disabled

*Provides men and women who have served our nation with the tools to tap into federal contracts and become successful entrepreneurs

Supporting Good Paying Jobs in the 3rd Congressional District

Congressman Boswell proudly supports the new Mesaba Aircraft Maintenance Facility at the Des Moines Airport. The $11.8 million facility will:

*Be completed by the third quarter of this year

*Add more than 30 jobs to the local economy

In the lower right corner of the page, there is a small photo of Boswell with a group of people standing in front of an airplane. The caption on that photo reads, “Congressman Leonard Boswell joined representatives from Mesaba and Northwest Airlines at a press conference announcing the new Mesaba Aircraft Maintenance Facility at the Des Moines Airport.”

At the bottom of the page there is another link to Boswell’s House website.

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