RFK Jr a dangerous choice for Health and Human Services

Mary Weaver writes a regular column for the Jefferson Herald and Greene County News online. She is a former registered nurse and former public health nurse administrator, who currently chairs the Iowa Democratic Party’s Women’s Caucus. Mary resides on a farm near Rippey.

To the editor:

As a former Public Health Nurse, I am very anxious and concerned that Robert Kennedy Jr. may be confirmed to the cabinet position of Health and Human Services secretary.

I will share a couple of stories to emphasize my concerns, particularly in the arena of vaccinations.

I have a good friend who loves to explore cemeteries. I cannot say it is my favorite diversion, but one very weather pleasant day she talked me into going with her. She likes to look at the headstones and I dutifully followed along. There were numerous markers with lambs. This was usually the grave of an infant who had died of diphtheria or whooping cough. It is painful to believe this type of marker may indeed be seen in future cemeteries.

My other is a family story. I was never able to sit on my grandfather’s lap, because he died at age 36 from tuberculosis. I had an aunt and two uncles who died under the age of 4 of diphtheria. Granted, this happened around 1911, but such tragedies could easily come back without the safeguard of vaccines.

I have a good friend whose niece is expecting her first child in April. The niece is alarmed that her infant may not be able to receive the usual infant vaccines to prevent whooping cough, tetanus, measles, or polio. How stressful for her and their whole family.

Finally, I am concerned about RFK encouraging the consumption of unpasteurized or raw milk products. My public health experiences cause me to fear we may be on the cusp of a human epidemic from bird flu. Highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks have prompted the euthanasia of numerous flocks of birds, and the virus has migrated to the dairy industry. At least one gentleman has died after exposure to infected birds.

I have urged Iowa’s U.S. senators not to confirm RFK Jr, and I ask that individuals reading this document call, email, or write to our senators. It is truly a matter of life and death.

Sincerely yours,

Mary Weaver

Top photo of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a June 2024 interview with Dr. Phil was first published on the Facebook page of Kennedy’s campaign.

About the Author(s)

Mary Weaver

  • Viva RFK JR!

    I voted for Bobby for president and hope he runs again – despite the awful way he was treating by the goons at the DNC. Last week’s DNC meeting was like a bad SNL parody – the inmates are truly running the asylum. I feel he will be a fine cabinet member, a Democrat serving in Trump’s cabinet – Tulsi, a former Democrat being the other. Between RFK Jr, Fetterman, and Gabbard I feel there is hope for a a centrist candidate for the Democratic party in 2028.

  • Thank you, Mary Weaver.

    Many scientists are concerned about a possible bird flu pandemic. It wouldn’t take much genetic change.
