Democrats' climate change fumble

Channing Dutton is a lawyer in Urbandale. His duty is climate action for all children.

When it comes to the biggest political blunder of the 21st century, no mistake by the Republicans compares to the colossal fumble the Democrats have made on climate change. We saw it on Black Friday during the Hawks football game with my beloved Huskers: a tied score, the clock ticking down, and the ball bouncing on the turf. Do you remember? That was a fumble of opportunity. 

The same has been true during the past several election cycles where the Democrats seem unable to make the play that wins the game. I think of it as the Climate Change fumble.

The crowd knows what’s at stake: the team that falls on the ball will likely score the game-winning field goal. But what do the Democrats do? They stand around, staring at the ball, unable—or unwilling—to pounce. The opportunity is right in front of them, yet they’re still stuck in the inertia of past campaigns, unable to seize it.

It’s like they believe they can win without ever going on offense. Good luck with that.


Let me be crystal clear: the climate emergency is the greatest wedge issue of our time. Yet, neither major party has shown the vision or courage to confront it head-on.

I understand why the GOP stays aloof. They’re playing a game of fear, division, and distrust—a game where they hold a narrow but comfortable lead. Why risk making bold moves and uniting a broader voter base when they’re already ahead? The GOP lacks the moxie to tell the truth, to rally voters around collective action and environmental preservation. In their minds, it’s safer to cling to their narrow advantage than to take the risks that could unite the country.

Meanwhile, the Democrats sit by, paralyzed, watching the game slip away and wondering why they keep losing.


For the past two decades, all the Democrats needed to do was pick up the climate ball and run it across the goal line. They had every opportunity to make climate justice the centerpiece of their campaigns—flying the flag for the next generation, the nation, and the planet. Instead, they have remained frozen and indecisive, running the same losing plays again and again hoping for a better outcome.

Think back to the 2020 election. Can you name a single Democrat who made climate change the central issue of their campaign? Joe Biden, perhaps—but who else? Voters were left with a grim choice: on one side, the GOP’s familiar agenda of cutting government services; on the other, a laundry list of tired issues like universal healthcare or a $15 minimum wage—issues that no longer ignite the public imagination.

Sadly, in 2024, we didn’t even have Joe pounding the climate message. Meanwhile, even the issue of reproductive rights proved weaker than Democrats had hoped.

Think I’m overstating it? Then explain why Iowa Democrats continue to lose ground in every election, or why polling consistently shows strong GOP support across nearly every category—except those related to climate action. Over the past several cycles, the Democrats have confidently declared that this time they’ll turn the tide, only to watch the GOP gain more seats, more power, and more control. This contest isn’t close. The Democrats need to start playing to win.


What’s the one issue that could unite voters in every district? Climate change. And yet, as we approached election day 2024, the GOP remained smug, silent in their assumed lead, while Democrats offered lackluster campaigns that could put an entire room to sleep faster than the first quarter of an NFL game.

Not a single Iowa Democrat has had the courage to speak this truth: I will protect the future for all children, including those of the do-nothing GOP incumbents.

Imagine what a winning campaign could look like. It would start with simple, clear messaging—websites, signs, flyers, and yard signs all declaring the candidate’s stance on climate change. No jargon, no code words—just a straightforward promise to protect the future of our children and the planet we all share. Every Democrat running would reflect this same message. How hard is that? You don’t need to be a scientist to tell voters your priority is safeguarding the future for the bright, young faces we carry in the photo galleries of our phones.

Then, the candidate could take the stage for their stump speech: “I’m not just running for office. I’m running to protect the things we all hold most dear: our children, our future, and our planet. We all share the same atmosphere, and if we keep doing nothing, we will all share the consequences. The climate future will not discriminate—everyone will suffer. I am running for your children, for my children, and even for my opponent’s children.”

Sooner or later, this will be the message of every candidate, no matter their party affiliation. By then, some voters may struggle to differentiate between the GOP and the Democrats. They won’t know that one party denied the climate crisis and refused to act, while the other knew what needed to be done but hesitated. All they’ll know is that no one took responsibility for the devastation to our crops, economy, security, and children.

But here’s the truth we can’t escape: we—the people of 2024—are the generation that failed to act when we had the chance. We are the people who refused to play the game to win, even when the outcome was still within our grasp.

So, wake up. Start over. Get in the game. Pick up the climate football and run!

About the Author(s)

Channing Dutton

  • nah

    This is a pretty ridiculous article.

    Joe Biden and congressional Democrats passed the most transformational climate bill in our country’s history — perhaps world history — the Inflation Reduction Act. Despite universal GOP opposition, DEMOCRATS got the bill across the finish line in an essentially 50/50 Congress. No mention of that, or the hundreds of other legislative and administrative accomplishments on climate in the last four years:

    biden’s climate action

    Nevertheless, from a political standpoint, climate is not a salient issue for voters at all. Doesn’t show up anywhere near the top of voters’ most important issues. Despite all this – climate groups are one of the biggest spenders in politics supporting Democratic candidates.

    Not sure how an article about climate could ignore these facts…

  • I am very grateful...

    …for work to reduce climate change, and I really appreciate efforts to educate the public.  I see online that the author of this post has been talking about climate change to Iowa civic groups for years. (And I’m certain there are much easier ways to spend one’s time.)  He has gotten praise from the Iowa Environmental Council.  Thank you, Channing Dutton.

    Just about everything I’ve read in the past few years, unfortunately, indicates that Iowa voters, as a group, still don’t consider climate change to be a top-tier issue.  The same is true even for water pollution, which is much more widely acknowledged as a serious Iowa environmental issue. 

    I am reasonably certain that issue polling of voters by the Iowa Democratic Party is the biggest reason why climate change was not one of the very few issues in the official Democratic campaign script in 2024.  How to change that, I don’t know.
