Lingering questions about the 2024 presidential election

Ruth Sheffield is a pseudonym for a native Midwesterner, public school educator, mother of three, and passionate defender of democracy for all.

All elections are important. This election feels even more important. The stark contrast between the two presidential candidates and the closeness of the polls leaves many questions unanswered.

Where are the patriots?

If Donald Trump wins the election, he said he would be a dictator on “day one.” He said it. He means it. Are voters listening? This is a clear violation of foundational principles of limited government and rule of law.

Where are the patriots?

Trump has escalated threats against his political enemies, saying he would use the power of the presidency to prosecute his opponents including Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden, and former President Barack Obama. He has said he will use the military to attack enemies “from within.”

Where are the patriots?

While Americans were having a hard time getting access to COVID-19 tests, then President Trump was sending COVID-19 testing machines to Russian President Vladimir Putin. A shortage for Americans, yet he was handing much-needed supplies over to Putin.

Where are the patriots?

If Trump wins this election, the Heritage Foundation’s plans for American democracy will be swiftly put into action. The overview of Project 2025 seems innocuous, but one only needs to find the devil in the details to see how tragic this would be for our nation’s future.

This would utterly transform the role of the presidency in a way that the Founders never intended – allowing the president to directly implement new laws in a variety of policy areas. They will eliminate government jobs (those earned through the merit-based system implemented in the late 1800s, which intentionally steered us away from a system of patronage) and replace those folks with political appointees.

Where are the patriots?

Where are the women?

Donald Trump has lived a life controlling women, repeatedly using hateful, sexist language. Since the 1970s, more than 25 women have publicly accused him of rape, groping, and inappropriate conduct. In 2005, Trump was recorded having a lewd conversation about women. Take a moment to read a selection of things Trump has said.

Where are the women?

How are women able to ignore his actions and cast a ballot for a man who was sleeping with a porn star while his (third) wife was home with a new baby? He is not pro-family. This candidate isn’t pro-life. He is clearly pro-“whatever he needs to say to win your vote.”

His appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Dobbs v Jackson ruling to turn back time and allow the government to make health care decisions for women—instead of women deciding in consultation with their families and doctors. While access to this form of health care is now denied to many women across the country, what will women lose next when it comes to reproductive rights? Women who have faced this decision are the only folks who can truly understand. Access to reproductive health care is no one’s business except for a woman and her doctor.

Where are the women?

Where are the veterans?

Do voters recall Trump’s criticisms of Senator John McCain, Vietnam War hero? Surely not. Are voters ignoring the comments Trump made about Medal of Honor winners?

Where are the veterans?

Beyond the harsh comments Trump has made about veterans over the years, the list of generals who served under Trump who will NOT support him in 2024 is extensive.

  • Mark Esper – former Secretary of Defense said, “Trump is not “fit for office because he puts himself first, and I think anybody running for office should put the country first.”
  • James Mattis, four-star general and former Secretary of Defense.
  • John Kelly, a former Marine Corps general who served as Trump’s Chief of Staff.

The list keeps going and going and going. . .

Where are the veterans?

Where are the Christians?

Since the late 1980s we have seen an entangling of politics and religion in this country. In this election, there seems to be a deep disconnect between Christian beliefs and values and Trump’s words and actions. There continue to be Christians who stand behind his candidacy. How do Christians reconcile a faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the behavior of a political candidate like Trump.

Despite the hateful way Trump speaks of immigrants and refugees, Christians attend Trump rallies, even though Jesus would encourage folks to treat those from foreign lands with love and dignity. Just like when Matthew writes “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matthew 25: 31-40).

Despite the adultery Trump has engaged in, Christians put up yard signs in front of their homes, even though Matthew 5 says “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’”

Despite the 2015 mocking of a disabled reporter, some Christians purchase Trump Bibles, even though Jesus would expect compassion and inclusion for folks with different abilities. Just this past week, Trump used the “R-word” to describe his political opponent at a dinner with donors. It is 2024. No candidate should be using that type of language. In reviewing the New Testament, Jesus often showed kindness and was said to have performed miraculous cures to those were had different abilities. But many Christians ignore all of this very un-Christian-like behavior.

Where are the Christians?

Where are the Republicans?

Republicans. True conservatives who value individualism, rule of law, and limited government. The Republican Party has a history of valuing small government – an emphasis on governmental decision-making at levels closest to the people at local and state levels. The party has been hijacked by this wolf in sheep’s clothing. Trump does not represent Republican values.

Where are the Republicans?

Plenty of Republican leaders have said out loud that they will not support Trump in this 2024 election. How can fellow Republicans ignore their calls?

  • Mike Pence.
  • Former Representative Adam Kinzinger.
  • Liz Cheney.
  • Dick Cheney.
  • The list goes on . . .

Where are the Republicans?

Just because there is an R behind Trump’s name on the ballot does not mean Republicans have to vote for him. Heck, Republicans do not have to vote for her. Leave it blank. Focus down ballot. Fundraise for Senate and House races. Knock doors and put up signs for state and local races.

The statements in this opinion piece cannot all be “fake news.” There are more than 20 citations in this short analysis alone.

This election is close. And I continue to wake up at night wondering how? How is this presidential election so close? How is it possible that nearly half of the country thinks Trump’s beliefs, words, and actions are presidential?

Each one of us has the power to determine the outcome when we walk into the voting booth or send in that ballot. I hope we, collectively, make the right choice.

Top photo of Donald Trump speaking in Greenville, North Carolina, was first published on his campaign’s Facebook page on October 21.

About the Author(s)

Ruth Sheffield

  • Where are the Democrats?

    This lifelong Democrat has had enough of Trump and the Biden/Harris boondoggle and voted for Robert F Kennedy Jr. Harris is not presidential timber and our party is becoming one that openly suppresses free speech. Have voted Democrat for president since 1980 and RFK Jr is the only true Democrat in the race. Hope Bobby runs for the nomination again in 2028. The way the party bosses treated him was beyond shameful.
