Trump’s past, present, and future threat to national security

Steve Corbin is emeritus professor of marketing at the University of Northern Iowa and a freelance writer who receives no remuneration, funding, or endorsement from any for-profit business, nonprofit organization, political action committee, or political party. 

Psychological scientists who study human behavior concur that past actions are the best predictor of future behavior. If past actions caused no problem, then all is well. If, however, a person demonstrated poor behavior in the past, well, buckle up. The odds are very great the person will continue to perform poorly if given the chance.

Donald Trump’s past behavior on national defense indicates that if the 45th president becomes the 47th president, we’re in a heap of trouble. Americans must seriously examine Trump’s past national security endeavors before voting on November 5.

Many Americans recall how Trump cozied up to Russia, which assisted his 2016 presidential campaign by spreading disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda about Hillary Clinton. It’s no surprise that Trump repeated that same behavior when his friend, Russian President Vladimir Putin (whom Trump has described as a “genius”) interfered on the president’s behalf in the 2020 election. As the conservative-oriented Wall Street Journal reported on July 10, U.S. intelligence officials say Putin’s regime “has launched a ‘whole-of-government’ effort to influence the outcome of the U.S. presidential election” in 2024.

The Wall Street Journal (which Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation owns) has previously reported on Trump’s relationship with other authoritarian countries, and its effect on our national security.

Trump’s embrace of the dictators who run China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea is disturbing. As noted in a May 1 Wall Street Journal article by Matt Pottinger, “There are signs Beijing and its axis of chaos, which includes Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela, is planning the next phase of violent disruption.”

Those countries, along with a few allies, have formed an axis of evil that opposes Western power, freedom, and democracy. Trump has embraced that style of authoritarian rule by praising the dictators in charge.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence who passed a middle school history class knows China has been trying to take control of Taiwan since 1954, Russia started attacking Ukraine in 2014, Iran began their anti-Israel stance in 1979, and the North Korea-South Korea conflict has existed since 1950. But Trump is not a student of history or international relationships; he’s a transactional individual who adores power-brokers.

In May 2018, then president Trump withdrew the U.S. from a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. How did that work out? On April 13 of this year, Iran launched more than 300 missiles against Israel. This act alone has caused U.S. intelligence services and international officials to conclude Iran poses a significant threat to America and its allies. For the record, Russia has a very large arsenal of around 6,000 nuclear warheads, China has more than 400, and North Korea has about 50.

Joseph J. Collins, retired Army colonel who served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability Operations and lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, assessed Trump’s record for the publication Defense One in September 2020. He noted that in addition to ending the Iranian nuclear development agreement, the U.S. gained little from Trump’s decisions to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, Paris Climate Accord, Trans-Pacific Partnership, and United Nation’s Human Rights Council and Health Organization.

Collins contends those actions allowed “China and other powers to fill into the leadership vacuum. U.S. security partners are troubled by these developments and see them as evidence of a new, selfish neo-isolationism on the part of the nation that used to take pride in its leadership of the free world.“

Furthermore, Collins has first-hand knowledge of Trump’s dysfunctional decision-making. It’s well documented that during his presidency, Trump did not have long intelligence briefings, didn’t read detailed briefing materials, misplaced confidential documents, designated some secret national documents as personal, shared classified information with unauthorized foreigners, and made major decisions without consultation with allies and advisors.

Collins concludes, “Even accounting for a high degree of difficulty, it is impossible to give the Trump national security policy good marks.”

Let’s face the reality of homeland security. The U.S. cannot stand alone. We desperately need to maintain a solid relationship with our 200-plus allies, increase Department of Defense appropriations and vigorously oppose the advances of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, or we will cease to exist as a democracy.

Should Trump return to the White House on January 20, 2025, the safety and security of 342 million Americans will be in jeopardy.

Now that you are fully aware of Trump’s national defense blunders and know past actions are the best predictor of future actions, is he our best choice to be leader of the free world? If Trump is elected, you can kiss democracy good-bye as the U.S. scales back its commitments to NATO allies and increasingly aligns with authoritarian or fascist-oriented dictatorships.

Top photo of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago on July 11, 2024 was first posted on Orbán’s X/Twitter feed.

About the Author(s)

Steve Corbin

  • The alternative

    In this classic partisan piece, Dr. Corbin forgot to vet the alternative option: would a vote for Biden enhance our security? Under Biden we saw a shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan, inhumane acts of war in Israel and Palestine, a proxy war against Russia, and last week threats against China. Cherry on the cake, Biden just called Zelenskyy President Putin. I feel much safer under a braggard who does not start wars than under a disoriented puppet of the neocons who keeps setting the world on fire.

  • Oh My

    Donald Trump is a convicted felon who finds inspiration from Putin and other ____ dictators throughout the word.

    If elected, he’ll walk away from Ukraine and und undermine international alliances that have been managed over generations by Presidents of both political parties.

    Questions will continue about his careless handling of America’s most critical ______. What would he share with others? Will other allies cease to cooperate in coordinating matters

  • Oh My

    Donald Trump is a convicted felon who finds inspiration from Putin and other tinhorn dictators throughout the word.

    If elected, Trump will walk away from Ukraine and undermine international alliances that have been fostered over generations by Presidents of both political parties.

    Questions will continue about Trump’s careless handling of America’s most critical intelligence secrets. What would he share with others? Will our longtime allies cease to cooperate in coordinating matters of world security? America would become less safe.

    Joe Biden has been an exemplary world leader. Through his experience and actions, Ukraine remains free, NATO is stronger and he’s roundly respected by allies around the globe. No President can fix every trouble spot in the world. With Biden, however, we know the United States will remain the leader of the free world while promoting the interests of international peace and fair play.

    Trump will only promote chaos and weaken the United States. He’s not a serious leader and holds no knowledge of geopolitical affairs. His aides are crackpots. Trump is a dupe of Putin and other thugs.

    Voting Democratic in November is the only way to maintain the way of life too many Americans now take for granted.

  • There’s no pilot in the cockpit

    Bill can polish his talking points as many times as he finds necessary. Nevertheless, CNN described two days ago how Biden leads his Government. This is how Cabinet meetings are run, and apparently they haven’t occurred for almost a whole year: “Back in Washington, there have been clear signs throughout his term of Biden being increasingly stage-managed, with lists of talking points, names of questioners and drawings of where he should walk presented to him by aides. Ahead of closed-door Cabinet meetings that Biden attends, it is customary for Cabinet officials to submit questions and key talking points that they plan to present in front of Biden ahead of time to White House aides, two sources with direct knowledge told CNN.

    “The entire display is kind of an act,” one of those sources told CNN. “They would come and say, ‘Hey, the president is going to call on you about 25 minutes in, and ask this question. What are the bullet points you’ll respond with?’”
    The second source, who echoed that same description, said when Biden attends Cabinet meetings, they are “not free-wheeling, and pretty well-orchestrated.” And the meetings themselves are infrequent, with one Cabinet secretary telling CNN they are uncertain of Biden’s condition because they so rarely see him.

    In fact, the last full Cabinet meeting took place on October 2, 2023. Sources also said Cabinet meetings during the Obama years, which Biden attended as vice president, were not pre-scripted this way.”

  • And now they shoot at Trump

    Democrats have hidden the senility of the President for years, and today Trump is shot in the head. Yet Democrats claim that the Republican candidate is a threat to democracy.

  • A Few More Talking Points

    Karl . . . I join many others to condemn the attempt on Donald Trump’s life . I’m glad he’s recovering.

    But the incident does not change who he is, what he’s done and all he represents.

    It’s not Joe Biden and Democrats who wear AK lapel pins or feature guns in their campaign ads . . . and even in their family Christmas cards. It’s MAGA Republicans.

    It’s not Joe Biden and Democrats who offer hopes and prayers after yet another school shooting . . . then block most all meaningful and practical gun safety measures. It’s most elected Republicans.

    It’s not Joe Biden and Democrats that openly or dog whistle about taking aggressive actions from the stage. Remember January 6? That’s Mr. Trump.

    These are some new talking points that also are facts.

    And despite the vile act of the shooter on Saturday, Donald Trump is still a threat to democracy.

    It’s a threat that must – and only – be addressed at the ballot box.

  • Bill v Karl

    I am a Democrat, Karl. I have not hidden anything. I saw him up close in 2020 and a few times since. Biden is simply not senile. That is an unfounded MAGA claim. But he is old, slowing, and his stammer is no better. Those evident attributes are part of the baggage he carries, like JFK’s complex medical history weighted down with infidelity. Biden has been president, is president, and could govern well for 4 more years, I think.

    Trump has a bad case of narcissism with complications of an authoritarian belly, and his personal history of corruption, crime, infidelity, and insurrection make a case of the stammers seem less than a cold.

    In a battle between old and corrupt, old should win. Except people are out there, a majority in Iowa for sure, who are blind to the democracy-destroying effects of corruption.

    Which does not answer the question of whether Joe, the Democracy warrior, can defeat Don the mafia head in November. Should another Democracy warrior replace Joe as the leader of the Calvary? That’s a pay-grade beyond me.

  • "And now they shoot at Trump"

    I cannot think of any interpretation of the statement above that does not make it inappropriate.
