Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Indianola on January 14; screenshot from C-SPAN video
Bernie Scolaro is a retired school counselor, a past president of the Sioux City Education Association, and former Sioux City school board member.
As the Iowa caucuses approached, the state faced another day of subzero weather with wind chills reaching 30 below. The weather seemed fitting, since the Republican front-runner, Donald Trump, is as cold-hearted as ice. He was the clear favorite to win in Iowa, and took 51 percent of the votes to prevail by a record margin.
I’m not sure how long we can excuse Iowans for voting for Trump, after he mocked a disabled reporter, separated children from families at the border, said immigrant blood was poisoning our country, and enabled millions of Americans to die due to his ineffective response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not to mention his habit of inciting violence and bringing out the racist beliefs in others, masterminding a coup to subvert the peaceful transfer of power, and so on.
I could go on about Trump’s lies, his selfish narcissism, the felonies he has been charged with committing, or his desire for autocratic leadership—but that has all been said over and over. It doesn’t matter. Iowans still bow to Trump. They turned out in subzero weather to honor their king and vote for him. That is what cults do, sacrifice for their leader. At their own expense. This time, it is at our country’s expense.
I am not sure what the attraction is anymore. We are often intrigued by an “outsider,” and even relish the freedom in their ability to be who they want, say what they want, maybe even be a little mischievous.
But Trump is no longer an outsider. He is just a mean old man. How long do you allow someone to continuously say outrageous statements that stoke hatred and inspire violent threats towards people of color, political opponents, judges, or court staff? How do Trump cult followers continue to laugh with him?
We should expect more from our candidates and our leaders, but we should also expect more from Iowa voters.
Trump told supporters in Indianola on Sunday to vote even if they are “sick as a dog,” adding, “Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it.”
Worth it to whom? That statement alone is cringe-worthy.
Maybe hell hasn’t frozen over. Maybe we can get back to some sort of “Iowa nice,” where neighbors help if you get snowed in. Unfortunately, voting for Trump is putting “Iowa nice” on thin ice.
the neighbors who help other people in their largely segregated neighborhoods are voting for Trump
It’s not just here where the local news celebrates people momentarily helping each other in times of need as somehow being a sign of the particular character of the locale even tho of course this is what people all over the world do in such circumstances, but it does seem to amp up the Whitewashing of history more in some places than others and I think this chip on the shoulder about being seen as flyover country is the other side of the coin of somehow being the Heartland of True America, all of which feeds the MAGA mindset.
dirkiniowacity Tue 16 Jan 1:01 PM
A pseudoscientific formula holds that today, the third Monday in January, is the most depressing day of the year — so-called Blue Monday.v
Help yourself to a complimentary copy of The New York Times editorial board’s essay. I am disappointed that Republicans in Iowa, mostly good people, are so tolerant of Trump who is the walking, talking, breathing epitome of the fascist evil our forefathers fought to defeat in WW Two. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/01/11/opinion/briefing/iowa-caucus-results-depressing?unlocked_article_code=1.OE0.5Oum.d6l0PLc3hkNX&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
Gerald Ott Tue 16 Jan 2:45 PM
then we might need to redefine "mostly good" people?
they aren’t just tolerant of Trump they gave him a record margin of victory (even in Des Moine) add in Vivek running as a Trump cheerleader and DeSantis as an even more extreme MAGAist and…
dirkiniowacity Tue 16 Jan 3:10 PM