It's time to worry about democracy

Julie Ann Neely: Our democracy is in danger; the basic tenets of our constitution are under attack by the GOP’s authoritarian ideology.

Remember 1984, George Orwell’s dystopian novel about Oceania, where media and educational content were government controlled, and history was rewritten to match the prevailing political climate? 

It was easy to point a finger at the Soviet Union and feel secure and smug, because we had no reason to worry about such things. After all, it couldn’t happen here – we’re a democracy – we are a free country – we have the First Amendment and the Declaration of Independence.

Well – Guess What? It’s Time To Worry.

Enter Senator Jake Chapman! Dallas County, Iowa’s self-appointed arbiter of the obscene, who has chosen to challenge our First Amendment. In a moral panic at a Johnston school board committee meeting in November, Chapman proclaimed he “is drafting legislation that would make it a felony for teachers or librarians to give what he believes are obscene materials to students.” In short, he is mounting an effort to ban books that he finds offensive. He would hold criminally liable, teachers, librarians, principals, and other educators who provide access to culturally sensitive material he doesn’t like.

His excuse: Two books, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and The Hate U Give. Both have been in use since 2017, have never been mandatory reading, and have received only one complaint recently by one married couple. Both books deal with events and issues the young authors have dealt with in their lives. 

Johnston’s school board is one of many across the country with censorship on the agenda. Recently an insightful Ankeny student raised a particularly important point in defense of the diverse literature under attack in her school. “These stories are only examples of ways queer and transgender people are mistreated…If America is so free and so equal and so accepting, why should we not take the time to educate ourselves, our children and our peers on people and their differences?” 

It’s All About Perception

The GOP’s “cause” –  Critical Race Theory (CRT).  On state and local levels, right-wing legislators, and their followers, are using anti-Critical Race Theory rhetoric as a scare tactic in their culture war to rev up their voter base in preparation for the mid-term elections. CRT is now a phrase with no definition; it has become a meaningless political talking point for the GOP.  Therefore, it is no surprise that Governor Kim Reynolds and Senator Joni Ernst are waving the GOP’s false banner to mislead by declaring, “…critical race theory teaches people to judge others based on race, gender, or sexual identity, rather than the content of their character.”

Why Now? — CRT Is Over 40 Years Old!

The extreme right-wing, that has hijacked the GOP, are desperate for absolute government control – state and federal.  They have  morphed Critical Race Theory, the title of an analytical graduate level course, into a meaningless catchall term devoid of anything that resembles truth. It is now a rallying cry for their manufactured, sophisticated, long-term campaign strategy. Considered a winning strategy, it feeds into individuals’ prejudices, generates negative emotions, and capitalizes on what can be seen as a “white backlash” against racial progress, progressive social movements, and changing demographics. Hence a winning electoral message.

In Their Own Words:

  • Steve Bannon – Talking about CRT “is how we are going to win” House seats in 2022.
  • Christopher Rufo, Director of the Critical Race Theory Initiative for the Manhattan Institute, who spawned the conflict over CRT: “Political correctness is a dated term and, more importantly, doesn’t apply anymore…Critical Race Theory is the perfect villain.”
  • Christopher Rufo, March 15 Twitter thread: We have successfully frozen their brand — “critical race theory”— into the public conversation and are steadily driving up negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as we put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category. The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory.’ We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”  
  • Republican Glenn Youngkin’s message about the evils of “critical race theory” in Virginia’s schools crushed opponent, Democrat Terry McAuliffe.

As their political game plays itself out in our public schools, using our children as pawns, it seems appropriate to borrow this question, asked to Sen Joseph McCarthy (R) during a 1954 Senate hearing, “Have you no sense of decency…?”  

Distortions and scare tactics are used to chip away at the First Amendment, a basic constitutional right. Public schools could no longer be safe places of learning.  We could very well find ourselves in an America where the government dictates the way teachers discuss current events, what topics can be talked about, and how history must be taught. It is no longer far-fetched to believe educators could face legal consequences for discussing anything that is culturally sensitive.

On a larger scale, the GOP’s hysteria creates discomfort and fear which inhibits meaningful discussion based on truth and facts. The result, people would rather self-censor in order to avoid the topic and possibly an uncomfortable situation.

The Next Elections Will Be About Democracy Itself

Let’s call out the GOP’s use of CRT for what it is – a diversion. It’s the new bogeyman being used to distract Americans from the social and economic wreckage created under GOP leadership.  And it works by feeding into the hysteria of their supporters and the uninformed. Mid-term elections will determine if we are a nation of equality and equity for all people, with secure voting rights, freedom of speech, affordable healthcare, a living wage, reproductive rights, workers’ rights, collective bargaining, national decency and much more. 

Words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s address at the 1936 Democratic National Convention, are once again relevant: “For too many of us the political equality we once had won was meaningless in the face of economic inequality.”

To Paraphrase:

>If you “…don’t have access to food…can’t afford decent housing…have a safe place to live…can’t afford medical treatment, you are not free.”

>If you…” live in fear of rightwing terrorism because of your religion or the color of your skin, you’re not free.”

>If you…”live under the thumb of an employer who refuses decent pay and benefits, and you lack the legal political power to join a union, you were not free.”

We Once Called Ourselves The Party Of Freedom

Once again this should be our mantra. Our democracy is in danger; the basic tenets of our constitution are under attack by the GOP’s authoritarian ideology. Today, with Democratic leadership, President Joe Biden’s policies and legislation are turning things around and everyone gains. But our elected official and candidates cannot do it alone. They need us. We must all do our part in whatever way we are able. 

Beginning now, let’s work for, and with, Democratic leaders and candidates who have the courage to defend our interests by facing the GOP’s political gauntlet. And please, let’s all vote and help those who find new voting restrictions an obstacle to vote.

Julie Ann Neely is a longtime independent feminist/environmentalist/activist, now Democrat, who became politically active in retirement because she is worried about her grandchildren’s future and believes our democracy is in danger.

About the Author(s)

Julie Ann Neely
