To see the racism of Kenosha, look beyond the videos

Jeff Walberg: The diagnosis begins by attending to where the pain is and listening to the part of our collective body crying out “I can’t breathe.” -promoted by Laura Belin

If you find yourself dissecting fractured images of chaos to find the proof of racism (or its absence) in Kenosha or similar scenes, let me suggest taking your eye from the microscope and widening your view.

Jeff Walberg lives in Iowa City. He is an essayist, vegetable grower, conservationist, and budding anti-racist, in addition to serving as part-time publicity coordinator for the Unitarian Universalist Society in Coralville. This commentary first appeared on Medium.

Top image: “Black Lives Matter” by John Lucia (Flickr user seikoesquepayne) is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

About the Author(s)

Jeff Walberg
