Celebrating what's working in Iowa Medicaid

Upgrade Medicaid is a grassroots group of individuals with disabilities “who are dedicated to building a space for Iowans to tell the stories that need to be seen and heard for Medicaid policy to change.” -promoted by Laura Belin

October 13 through October 19 is National Case Management Week. In recognition of this occasion, the #UpgradeMedicaid team would like to recognize and celebrate what is working in Iowa Medicaid.

To the dedicated case managers, who really do care for their Medicaid members and work hard to advocate for their needs. They are a true resource and ally in accessing health care and services…

To the Independent Support Brokers with the Consumer Choice Option program, who go above and beyond their 2.5 hours of paid hours a month to make sure their consumers receive the services that Iowa Department of Human Services and the managed-care organizations (MCOs) are contracted to provide…

To the Managed Care and Long Term Support Services Ombudsmen, who hear the multitude of stories from individuals, families and care providers, and do their best to get their issues resolved…

To the CNAs, LPNs, and RNs working in the home health field, who pick up extra shifts, who drive extra miles (often without mileage reimbursement), who work for lower wages than they deserve, and who provide much needed care with a high level of professionalism and compassion, even when they have other jobs, families, feel tired, or are personally stressed…

To the organizations and associations across Iowa (for example, ID Action, Disability Rights Iowa, Iowa CareGivers, and many more), who have educated and advocated for individuals who rely on Medicaid, and/or the direct support professionals who provide in-home care…

To all the individuals who speak out and share their stories of inadequate care, of the low pay that in home support staff receive, of the decrease in quality of life, the increase in health care costs, and the difficulties and frustrations they are experiencing as a result of what is NOT working with Iowa Medicaid…

Thank you!!! Your dedication to human-centered care, ethical awareness, and great work has been noticed and is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, acknowledgement often goes unsaid during better times, when individuals aren’t experiencing these obstacles in their lives. But the important work you do should be recognized all year long.

In this day and age when it feels like the state of Iowa, DHS, and MCOs see us as just a cost, you have given us back our humanity and our voices. Again, thank you all!

Want to join our effort to Upgrade Medicaid? Visit www.upgrademedicaid.com or find us on Facebook.

#UpgradeMedicaid team (and authors)
Jenn Wolff, Waverly
Zachary Mecham, Altoona
Elaine Gartelos, Waterloo
Shelley Jaspering, Ames
Tucker Cassidy, Waterloo
Matt Grillot, DeWitt
Jenna Batten, Carlisle
Evan Schultz, Des Moines
Fred Wilcox, Cedar Rapids
Leah Price, Leon
Kyle Spading, Fairfax
Michele Meadors, Des Moines

About the Author(s)

Upgrade Medicaid
