IA-02: First Miller-Meeks ad draws contrast with Loebsack

Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks is on the air with her first television commercial in her third campaign against Representative Dave Loebsack in Iowa’s second Congressional district. Her debut ad from the 2010 campaign contained entirely negative material about the incumbent. In contrast, the new spot jumps quickly from saying Loebsack is part of the problem to positive statements about Miller-Meeks. That strikes me as a more effective message, especially for reaching voters in counties that weren’t part of IA-02 during her previous two Congressional campaigns. Notably, Miller-Meeks is emphasizing her credentials as a doctor and a veteran. This ad says nothing about the three years she spent in state government running the Iowa Department of Public Health.

After the jump I’ve enclosed the video and transcript of “Problem.” I am seeking comment from Miller-Meeks’ campaign on where the commercial is running. The 24 counties in IA-02 are located in five separate media markets (Cedar Rapids, Quad Cities, Des Moines, Ottumwa-Kirksville, and Quincy, Illinois), making it fairly expensive to reach all voters in the district.

Any comments about the IA-02 campaign are welcome in this thread. I consider this race an uphill battle for the challenger.

First Miller-Meeks tv ad “Problem,” launched on September 17:

My transcript:

Unidentified woman speaks directly to camera: We’re at a breaking point in Washington. The problem? Politicians like Dave Loebsack. [to the right of the speaker, words on screen appear: THE PROBLEM: WASHINGTON POLITICIAN DAVE LOEBSACK]

We only need one good reason for change, and I’ll give you three. [Words appear near bottom of screen briefly identifying the speaker as “Marty Ford Army Nurse Corps (Ret).” In smaller print,

“Images in this ad are not intended to imply endorsement by Department of Defense or Department of the Army.”]

Mariannette Miller-Meeks is a doctor, veteran, and problem-solver. [camera moves closer on Ford as she talks, Miller-Meeks campaign logo with doctor, veteran, problem-solver appears to right.]

Mariannette has a vision for Iowa. [viewer sees footage of Miller-Meeks in doctor’s coat, walking down a hall and talking with colleague. Words on screen: Vision for Iowa]

Better health care reform, cut regulations, increase take-home pay, and bring accountability to Washington. [footage of Miller-Meeks with a patient, words on screen Reform health care; then footage of man working, words on screen Cut regulations; then footage of boy running out of house to greet dad coming home from work, words on screen Increase take-home pay; footage of Miller-Meeks sitting at a table, talking with voters, words on screen Accountability to Washington]

View shifts back to Ford talking to camera: We need leaders with solutions. We need leaders like Mariannette Miller-Meeks.

I’m Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and I approve this message. [Footage of Miller-Meeks talking with someone]

I don’t see a lot to critique in this ad, but I would probably have identified the speaker at the beginning. Although Ford’s name appears briefly, I wonder whether that flashes by too quickly for most viewers to read it.  

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