Weekend open thread: Pre-primary edition

Technical issues prevented me from posting the weekend thread earlier today. What’s on your mind, Bleeding Heartland readers?

Candidates and their staff are crossing the last to-do items off checklists, and if possible, enlisting volunteers to phone bank and chase absentee ballots. The Des Moines Register’s latest Iowa poll by Selzer & Co showed Joni Ernst running away with the U.S. Senate primary. She had 36 percent support among respondents, Mark Jacobs 18 percent, undecided 16 percent, Matt Whitaker 13 percent, Sam Clovis 11 percent, and Scott Schaben 2 percent.

I don’t know how important newspaper endorsements are anymore, but today the Cedar Rapids Gazette endorsed Jacobs. Previously the Des Moines Register and Sioux City Journal had endorsed Ernst.

The biggest non-election-related political story of the week was Eric Shinseki’s resignation as Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The growing scandal over care provided at VA hospitals may not be his fault, but someone needed to be held accountable. Talking to veterans I know, I’ve heard mixed things about the level of care at Iowa’s VA hospitals. I agree with a letter to the editor published in the Register today, which argued that bigger investments should have been made in the VA at least a decade ago to handle the serious physical and mental health problems of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. I’ve posted that letter after the jump.

Maya Angelou passed away this week at the age of 86. I’m not much of a poetry reader, so I am unfamiliar with most of her poems. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings must be one of the most important memoirs written during the 20th century, though. How many books in that genre become instant classics like hers did? It made a huge impression on me, and it’s not a book I would likely have picked up if it had not been assigned in a high school English class.  

Excerpt from a letter to the editor by Bob Cvrk, published in the Sunday Des Moines Register on June 1:

The problems go back pre-war to the war planning for Iraq and Afghanistan.

We were told that Iraq would welcome our military with open arms and roses at our feet (Vice President Cheney’s words). This was to be a quick shock-and-awe war, so there was no need to gear up the VA hospitals. Gen. Eric Shinseki was fired because he told President Bush there was not enough preparation done to fight an extended war house to house. This is why the VA hospitals are still in trouble today.

The VA hospitals should have been geared up for vet casualties both physical and mental, but nothing was done. […]

I frequent the VA hospitals regularly, and I have received excellent service.

Tags: IA-SEN, Veterans

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  • Montgomery County in Ernst ad?

    A TV ad supporting Ernst, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, says Ernst grew up on a farm in Montgomery County. It is accompanied by a picture of beautiful flat farm land. Is that really Montgomery County? I thought that part of the state was hilly.

    • good catch

      I would bet they used stock footage of farmland for their ad. The Ernst campaign spot seems to feature her real church and house, though.
