IA-Sen, IA-02: Braley and Loebsack vote for another GOP bill on Obamacare

For the second time in a week, Iowa’s Democratic representatives in the U.S. House Bruce Braley (IA-01) and Dave Loebsack (IA-02) voted for a bill calling attention to problems with the federal government’s implementation of the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Depending on whom you believe, the Exchange Information Disclosure Act is either an effort to improve oversight and transparency through weekly updates or what Representative Henry Waxman called an attempt to impede the new law by “drowning the Department of Health and Human Services in red tape.” Nevertheless, 33 Democrats including Braley and Loebsack joined all of the Republicans present to approve the bill yesterday (roll call). I haven’t seen any comment on this bill from them or from Representatives Steve King (IA-04) and Tom Latham (IA-03), who both supported it.

No matter how many anti-Obamacare bills Braley and Loebsack vote for, their opponents and outside conservative groups will run campaign ads attacking them for having helped pass the 2010 health care reform law. In fact, Americans for Prosperity (a right-wing group funded by the Koch brothers) is running television commercials in Iowa right now targeting Braley, the Democratic candidate to replace Tom Harkin in the U.S. Senate. The commercials focus on the so-called “lie of the year,” President Barack Obama’s claim that “If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan.” Scroll to the end of this post to read the Braley’s campaign’s response, which includes the ad script. In November, Braley and Loebsack voted for a bill that would let some consumers stay on insurance plans that don’t comply with all Affordable Care Act requirements.

Braley for Iowa press release, January 14:



Torrent of secret, outside money distracting from GOP candidates support of anti-middle class policies

Des Moines, IA – This morning, the New York Times broke the news that the Koch Brothers-backed front group Americans for Prosperity was launching a flood of attack ads against Bruce Braley funded by a flood of secret money from outside of Iowa.

Remember: Americans for Prosperity opposes raising the minimum wage, called for the elimination of the Wind Production Tax Credit, publicly opposed the Farm Bill, and has even pushed for the elimination of the Renewable Fuels Standard. These are all policies that create jobs for and strengthen Iowa’s middle class – and AFP is actively working against them.

Braley for Iowa spokesman Jeff Giertz responded to the ad, saying, “The Koch Brothers and their Tea Party allies are at it again with a torrent of misleading attack ads because they support policies that hurt Iowa’s middle class – just like Bruce’s opponents. They oppose an increase in the minimum wage, want to undermine Medicare and Social Security, oppose the job-creating Renewable Fuels Standard, and would take us back to a time when insurance companies could kick people off their insurance when they got sick or raise premiums with no justification. Iowans want a Senator who fights for the middle class – not one who undermines it.”

The ad’s launch come the same day that Iowa’s GOP Governor, Terry Branstad, touted his work implementing the new healthcare law during his State of the State address, saying “The Iowa Health and Wellness Plan is now in place. Thousands of Iowans are now receiving more than just access, they are getting health care designed to get them healthier… Iowans living longer, healthier lives will improve the health of our state, our economy and our families.”

Fact-check released by the Braley campaign the same day:

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