Weekend open thread: Welcome back edition

What’s on your mind this weekend, Bleeding Heartland readers? This is an open thread.

The Iowa legislature’s 2014 session begins on Monday morning. I always try to cover major developments in the Iowa House and Senate. However, there are always more things going on at the statehouse than any one person can write about, even if this year’s session is far less productive than last year’s (as seems likely). Bleeding Heartland is a community blog, and I want to encourage members to post guest diaries on bills or other legislative issues you’re following closely. Guest posts can focus on a bill you’re advocating or a bad idea legislators are considering or an area that needs more attention from lawmakers. If you refer to a specific bill, please provide the bill number (usually beginning with HF or SF, sometimes HJR or SJR) and the names of key lawmakers if it’s still in committee. A link to the bill text is also helpful and can be found by searching for the bill number at the Iowa legislature’s official website. If the bill has already passed both chambers, you can post a diary calling attention to its likely impact.

Both houses of Congress resumed work last week. I try to write about how the Iowans voted on important bills, as well as comments from Congressional candidates. I’ll be catching up soon on the Farm Bill conference committee negotiations, involving Senator Tom Harkin and Representative Steve King. But feel free to post a guest diary about any federal policy that’s on your radar.

Finally, I want to welcome Lynda Waddington back to the Iowa blogosphere. She recently reactivated her Essential Estrogen site and started posting again regularly after a break from writing about politics.

About the Author(s)


  • I will be interested in reading the fate of the King amendment

     in the farm bill.

  • Thank you!

    Thanks so much for the welcome back — it’s good to be writing again! I don’t think the general public has a fair assessment of what is involved in regularly blogging, and too often take for granted the real work it can be when the end result is quality reporting and thoughtful discussion. To that end, you and the community that has been built here at Bleeding Heartland deserve much respect and many kudos.

    I’m really interested in keeping an eye on the religious conservatives in Iowa, which is probably of little surprise to those that have been reading posts since my return. This needs to be the year when Iowans stand up and refuse to base public policy on any one religious belief. We need strong public policy and public discourse that is not beholden to the out-of-state influxes of cash that gone hand-in-hand with the rise of the predominantly conservative Christian wing of the Iowa GOP.

    The scrutiny is fairly natural, I think, because so much of what such groups advocate has a direct impact on the role of women in society and the ability of women to fully participate in their communities.

    Anyway, thanks again for the warm welcome. We should plan some dual coverage or cross-posts in the future.  
