Democrats and Progressives, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am a Socialist Democrat from NW Iowa,  Rep. Steve King is my Congressman.  I am glad to have found these blogs.  I hope nobody minds if I post and pester everyone here.  I am out in Der Hinterland of the Dutch Reformed Churches and the ultra Conservatives that love Steve King and Michelle Bachmann.  What am I doing here?  I have grandchildren living in the area, and moved here from Colorado.  Why stay in Colorado when I have grandchildren growing up, seeing me twice a year?  so now I live 4 blocks away and I see them quite often.  Although now they are almost grown and busy with their social life (and talking to Army and Navy Recruiters.) .

I am a nurse in long term care.  I believe we should have health care for everyone.  I have good insurance.  Its not as if I want it for me.  I want and hope for health care for everyone and I am willing to pay more in taxes to get it.  If we all paid a little bit,  everyone would be covered.  We live in one of the best countries in the world,  yet 45,000 people die every year, because they don't have and cannnot afford insurance. 

 We need to regulate the insurance companies,  Wall Street,  big banks should be made small enough to fail.  Remember when Commercial Banks were different than Savings and Loans?  We need to regulate them again, making our retirements and our IRAs safe again. 

People talk about raising taxes.  Are they not aware that the rich are paying far less in taxes now than they were under r. Reagan?  And he decreased taxes! 

We need to draw back from this International Trade crap and begin to “Buy American” again.  We need to legalize hemp, so we can make our own ropes, our own cloth, (its just ditchweed, its not good marijuana, just the crap nobody will smoke).  Make our own clothing here,  our own shoes, our own cars, car parts, furniture, large machines, computers, everything.  We can't compete in the international market if we can't keep our own people busy.

Everyone talks about how Obama is leading us to Socialism.  I wish!  If we could get our political parties to lean far left,  the utilities, transportation and banks bought by the government,  and use more of a Socialist agenda,  we would have health care for all, tort reform, no student loans for doctors, decrease in health care costs.

My medical conglomerate I work for probably pays over 800 dollars a month for their share of my insurance costs.  I pay about 120 dollars.  If we had health care for all (or at least a good solid public option),  they could give me that 920 dollars.  And I would be more than willing to pay 1000 a month for health care for everyone.  I live in O'brien county and our town has voted in a tax paying for every fee for every school child in the school system.  If A child cannnot afford book fees, they are paid for everyone.  If a child cannot afford to play a sport,  sports, books, locker fees, etc. are paid for all.  I would be more than willing to do that for the least of our people in this country. 

About the Author(s)


  • welcome

    It’s a community blog, so no need to apologize for posting!

    I have family roots in Grand Rapids, which is also heavily Dutch and Republican–not quite as much as O’Brien County, maybe, but pretty Republican for Michigan.  

  • Again

    The worst is Sioux County.  They are Christian Reformed, Dutch Reformed, Nederland Reformed, and all have a “Van” or “Vander” in their names.  lol.  I used to work in sioux County and while there are some very nice people there,  they are very conservative.  Moving east, into O’brien county begins the mix with the Dutch and also more Germans, Swedish, and Norwegian.  Oh, and Irish.  Happy St. Patty’s Day!

    There is very little Democratic activity here in O’brien county.  When obama was campaigning,  we had to go to Spencer to get any brochures or bumper stickers, etc.  One family in town had an Obama sign in their yard.  I had an Obama sticker in my window of my truck, and that was about it.  

    I find that the older I get,  the more liberal and Socialistic I sound.  I love the idea that 59,000 nuns are saying ” Vote yes on Health reform”.  Steve King is a Catholic,  I wonder if he’ll vote for it.  haha.  

    Thanks for the welcome.

  • Welcome from Clay County,

    Spencer in fact. I volunteered for Obama in Spencer so I might have met you then.  Clay County is pretty red also. In fact, we don’t have one county official that is a Democrat, all Republicans, so I know how you feel.

    I am volunteering for Mike Denklau right now to help retire Mr. King.  If you get a chance go to Denklau for Congress and check him out.  He is a young, energetic, intelligent man who can do good things for our district.

    Again welcome and I look forward to future comments and diaries from you.

    • Right below you, in Cherokee County. Hi from

      Aurelia. 🙂  Glad to see a fellow Progressive in the region.  

  • Somewhat few and far between...

    I know that there are more liberals than this.  lol.  It seems that we are at least one in each county.  I know for a fact that there are two in my little town alone.  

    Steve King says “there’s going to be a reckoning.”  I could only wish he would move to Texas so he could secede with them.  I wonder how long that country would last?  

    The few times I went over to Spencer,  there were two young guys in the Dem offices.  

    On several places that I comment, such as Huffinton Post, etc., there are always people saying “call your Congressman and tell him we want …..”  Yeah right.  I could call my Congressman but it wouldn’t do any good.  
