Weekend open thread and events coming up during the next ten days

This thread is for anything on your mind this weekend. After the jump I’ve posted details about lots of upcoming events in early February.

If you want to watch Senator Chuck Grassley do the “Friday Happy Dance” on WHO-TV, head on over to Dave Price’s blog.

The Polk County Democrats need more submissions of original recipes for the “Liberally Seasoned” cookbook they are compiling. By February 6, send polkdems AT gmail.com a word document including your full name and precinct, a paragraph about the dish, and a picture of the dish or yourself if possible. Categories: salads, appetizers, main dishes, vegetarian, desserts and drinks. They plan to have the cookbook ready by the Polk County Convention on March 12. For questions, call 515-285-1800.

DAWN’s List, which works to elect Democratic pro-choice women in Iowa, is seeking nominations for awards that will be given in five categories. Details are below, and nominations are due by the end of the day on February 1.

Monday, February 1

Senate candidate Bob Krause has launched a “virtual tour” of all 99 Iowa counties, and one of them is taking place in Linn County:

Here is how the ‘Virtual Take Back Our Country Tour 99’ will work, according to the Krause campaign.  Virtual meetings will be scheduled for each of Iowa ‘s 99 counties. In each case, citizens from that county will be invited to go to the Facebook chat link on their computer and call in on a TOLL-FREE conference line. Krause will then take their questions by using the chat feature while connected to his Facebook page.

Those who join the virtual meeting can then listen to Krause’s instantaneous responses on the teleconference line. Because participants will be at their computers, they will also be able to readily reference the many position papers that the campaign has placed on its web site at http://www.krauseforiowa.com/.

During the meetings, the conference call number will be (605) 475-4810. The participant access code will be 975120#.  To enter Facebook chat, participants must enroll on Facebook, which is free of charge. Upon enrolling, they will type in the name “Bob Krause” in the search box and request to become a friend of Bob Krause. After they are confirmed as a friend, participants can click on the “chat” feature on the lower right hand side of the page.

Mon, February 1, 7pm – 8pm

Where Linn County – via facebook-teleconference

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”

From the Iowa Environmental Council’s newsletter:

Grant-writing Workshop – Rural Energy for American Program

REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) Grant-writing Workshop Feb. 1st 1-5:30, Hiawatha. Are you a small farmer, rural small business-person or a representative of a sustainable ag or energy group? If so, you may want to sign up to attend a workshop hosted by the National Center for Appropriate Technology and Leopold Center Farm Energy Workgroup to learn more about the REAP program. This USDA program has already helped fund many rural and farm energy-related projects, and we want to help small-scale farmers and locally-owned rural businesses learn more about how they can take part. This workshop is free, but please reply to richd@ncat.org to RSVP- seating for the first workshop is limited, so please sign up asap. Updates and workshop agenda are available at: www.localfoodlocalenergy.com.

From DAWN’s List:

In commemoration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day on March 8th, DAWN’s List will honor Iowa women who have made a difference in our lives and in Iowa politics.  At a reception on March 8th, DAWN’s List will recognize Democratic women from across the state for their work and dedication to progressive causes and we need your help to find our award winners.

DAWN’s List is accepting nominations for the five awards to be presented at the March 8th reception.  The awards being given will include the Lifetime Achievement Award, Rising Star Award, Activist Award, Elected Official Award and Special Recognition Award.   Remember to specify the award.

For a nominating form, e-mail dawniowa AT gmail.com. Nominations must be received by 5:00 PM on February 1st.

Tuesday, February 2

From Iowa Rivers Revival:

You are invited to attend Iowa Rivers Revival’s legislative reception, Feb 2, 4:30-6:30 p.m., at Noodle Zoo Café, E 6th & Locust in Des Moines. No Cost – light appetizers and beverages provided

RSVP (not required, but helpful): rlehman@iowarivers.org or 515-202-7720. This reception provides an opportunity for Iowa’s legislative leaders to recognize that rivers have representation and an increasing base of support advocating on their behalf. The purpose of this reception is to raise awareness and to continue having conversations about the issues concerning Iowa’s rivers and our connections to rivers. We continue to hear from Iowa legislators and Iowans alike that there is no voice for Iowa’s rivers – with your help, we can change that!

From I’M for Iowa:

February 2 – Prayer Vigil for Immigration Reform (Des Moines)

Churches and other communities of faith are invited to the State Capitol to mark the Second National Interfaith Day of Prayer for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, and to lobby Congress on this issue. Contact Barb Dinnen at (515) 282-8426.

February 2 – Ramp Up Vegetable Production (Your Home or Office)

Join Practical Farmers of Iowa from 7:00 – 8:30 pm for this on-line “webinar.” This session is led by Martin Stosiek, who will provide a virtual tour of his farm while discussing how and why he and his wife, Christa, decided to scale-up production in certain areas. They raise vegetables, cut flowers, and bedding plants on 20 acres of certified organic land in New York. To register, visit www.practicalfarmers.org/farminar or contact Sally Worley at (515) 232-5661 or sally@practicalfarmers.org.

Bob Krause’s “virtual tour” continues in Linn County and Polk County:

Tue, February 2, 6:30am – 7:30am

Linn County – via facebook-teleconference

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”


Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 7:00 PM. County Point of Contact is James Marren — 515-418-7910

Wednesday, February 3

From the Iowa Environmental Council’s Newsletter:

Iowa Recycling Association Legislative Event and Casual Reception

February 3 and 4, Des Moines

You are invited to attend Iowa Recycling Association’s legislative event and casual reception. IRA Casual Legislative Reception is Wednesday, February 3, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Monihan’s at the Renaissance Savery, 401 Locust St., Des Moines. No Cost – light appetizers provided.  The IRA Legislative Event is Thursday, February 4, 7:30-10:00 a.m. on the First Floor-North Rotunda Circle, State Capitol building. Both events provide an opportunity for Iowa’s legislative leaders to recognize that recycling is vital to the economic growth and environmental well-being of our state. The purpose of IRA’s presence at the Capitol is to raise awareness, to educate, and to continue having conversations about the issues concerning recycling and recycling related activities in Iowa. Join Iowa Recycling Association members, stakeholders, and legislators for the opportunity to discuss economic, environmental and recycling issues important to you!  Please E-mail your legislator and encourage them to attend.

Bob Krause is having another virtual Polk County event, this time at 6:30 AM. County Point of Contact is James Marrren — 515-418-7910.

One Iowa is having a weekly phone bank. Click here to volunteer.

Thursday, February 4

Bob Krause is having a virtual tour of Jefferson County in the morning and evening:

Thu, February 4, 6:30am – 7:30am

Jefferson County – via facebook-teleconference

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”

 ‘Virtual 99 County Tour ‘ Jefferson County

Thu, February 4, 7:30pm – 8:30pm

Jefferson County – via facebook-teleconference

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”

Planned Parenthood of the Heartland is having its lobby day at the capitol.

Please join pro-family planning activists from across the state for an up-to-the-minute issues briefing and lobby training. We’ll give you all the tools and background you need to talk effectively with your legislators. Following lunch together, we will catch a shuttle to the Iowa State Capitol for team meetings with State Senators and Representatives. At the end of the day, there will be a celebration reception for all participants.

Sign up online at www.ppheartland.org/dayonthehill. Sponsored by Iowa Planned Parenthood Affiliate League and Family Planning Council of Iowa


Thu Feb 4 9am – 4pm Central Time


Des Moines Botanical Center and Iowa Capitol, Des Moines

Reservations are due for the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa’s fundraiser on February 9 (see below).

Friday, February 5

Bob Krause’s virtual tour continues in Adair County

Fri, February 5, 6:30am – 7:30am

Adair County – via facebook-teleconference (map)

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”

‘Virtual 99 County Tour ‘ Adair County

Fri, February 5, 7:30pm – 8:30pm

WhereAdair County – via facebook-teleconference

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”

From Iowa Senator Rob Hogg’s newsletter:

Cedar River Watershed Coalition Organizational Meeting, Cedar Falls, Friday, February 5, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. – Hosted by UNI’s Center for Energy and Environmental Education, this meeting is intended to build a coalition and identify specific strategies for land owners and policy makers to reduce future flood damage and improve water quality.  It is intended for cities, counties, soil and water conservation districts, businesses, nonprofit organizations and citizens who want to help protect our watershed.  To participate, please contact Barbara Payton at UNI at barbara.payton@uni.edu or call 319-273-2573.  For those who RSVP, lunch will be provided at a cost of $5.

Saturday, February 6

From the Iowa Environmental Council:

Raccoon River Watershed Planning

February 6, Jefferson

The North Raccoon River watershed has been chosen as one of the four watersheds in Iowa to be eligible for a portion of the $320,000,000 Mississippi Basin Initiative funds for nitrogen reduction to be administered by the NRCS. The RRWA will hold an informational meeting, open to the public, to learn about the  Raccoon River Watershed Planning Process on February 6 at the Jefferson Community Center ( 204 West Harrison) in Jefferson, Iowa at 10:00 a.m. Tom Buman of Agren Inc. will lead the discussion. Cornelia Flora, Susan Heathcote, Linda Kinman and Adam Kiel will comment. RRWA merchandise will be available. Contact: Mike Delaney (mikedelaney1@mac.com) www.northraccoon.org

From One Iowa:

“Standing on the Side of Love” Valentine Party

Kick off Valentine Week by kicking up your heels with a community-wide party celebrating the inherent worth of all families and love in all of its diverse expressions! An optional potluck dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. Bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share, and pasta main dishes will be provided, including vegetarian options. Then at 6:30 p.m., enjoy a range of fun activities for both kids and adults, including games, crafts, cookie decorating, a screening of the movie, “Our House: Kids of Gay and Lesbian Parents” (56 minutes), and even a palm reader who will predict your romantic future! And don’t miss the old-fashioned, all-ages barn dance at 6:30 p.m. with music and dance calling by the renowned Talking Fiddleheads String Band (as heard on public radio and at Living History Farms barn dances!). Easy dance instruction provided, so no prior experience required.


Sat Feb 6 5:30pm – 8:30pm Central Time


First Unitarian Church, 1800 Bell Ave., Des Moines

The Polk County Democrats need more submissions of original recipes for the “Liberally Seasoned” cookbook they are compiling. By February 6, send polkdems AT gmail.com a word document including your full name and precinct, a paragraph about the dish, and a picture of the dish or yourself if possible. Categories: salads, appetizers, main dishes, vegetarian, desserts and drinks. They plan to have the cookbook ready by the Polk County Convention on March 12. For questions, call 515-285-1800.

Monday, February 8

Bob Krause’s virtual tour continues in Mahaska County

Mon, February 8, 7pm – 8pm

County – via facebook-teleconference (map)

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”

One Iowa is having a weekly phone bank. Click here to volunteer.

Tuesday, February 9

Bob Krause’s virtual tour continues in Fayette County:

Tue, February 9, 7:15pm – 8:15pm

Fayette County – via facebook-teleconference

If you would like to join in the Conference, connection information is on the Website under ‘Positions’. Then’ Press Release’ “Bob Krause Campaign Announces Innovative ‘Virtual Tour’ of All 99 Iowa Counties”

The Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Fund is having a fundraiser with a suggested $50 donation from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in a private home in West Des Moines. For event details and to RSVP, email (actionfund@interfaithallianceiowa.org) or phone (515-279-8715).

From the Iowa Environmental Council:

A Structured Plumbing class with an emphasis on energy efficiency is being held in Des Moines February 9-10, offered by Indigo Dawn, a green development company. Imagine a world where hot water is delivered to every plumbing fixture wasting no more than 1 cup as you wait for the hot water. This is the type of innovative thinking instructor Gary Klein, with Affiliated International Management, LLC, will be offering in this two day class. This session will characterize single family hot water distribution systems, describe the current practices, assess the magnitude of the problem and the benefits that will come from solving it, discuss ways to think about hot water system efficiency, and recommend steps that can be taken to reduce unnecessary losses from hot water distribution systems in both retrofit and new construction.  See link for additional information and to register, or contact Tizzy Hyatt at 515-681-6781 / IndigoDawnDevelopment@yahoo.com. Also see http://events.constantcontact….

From I’M for Iowa:

February 9 – Grow Vegetables Year-Round (Your Home or Office)

Join Practical Farmers of Iowa from 7:00 – 8:30 pm for this on-line “webinar.” This session is led by Adam Montri, who will discuss using low-tech high tunnels in a cold climate to raise vegetables year-round. To register, visit www.practicalfarmers.org/farminar or contact Sally Worley at (515) 232-5661 or sally@practicalfarmers.org.

About the Author(s)


  • Sunday Feb. 21st...

    Des Moines area activists will be sponsoring a talk by

    Cindy Sheehan at Drake Olmsted Center, 7:30 pm.

  • the real story of the upcoming week....

    …will be the Gibbons supporters (and some rookie bloggers) crowing about the amount of money Gibbons has raised over the late to the campaign Iowa Senator Brad Zaun, who only announced his campaign a couple of weeks before the holidays.

    What most will miss is the real story.  About $51,000 of Gibbons funds will be restricted (meaning they can’t be used against Zaun in a primary), and about $130,000 came from outside the 3rd district, meaning the vast majority of Gibbons funds came from people and PAC’s that cant even vote for him.

    This simply shows that even with the big money establishment like Rastetter, Ruan, Kirke, Elwell house parties, Nick Ryan and others supporting the Gibbons campaign, it looks like they will have a lot of work to do to get the grassroots 3rd district voter to consider their candidate.  Gibbons has already introduced some strange proposals that have been detailed on this site and others, which have caused many voters to question his issue ideas.

    The Deace show last week had a good discussion on how the establishment that needs big government spending (ethanol subsidies and pro-casino policies) will be supporting Gibbons and the pro-business, less government, less government spending conservatives will be supporting Zaun.

    That will be born out in the figures this week.
