Draft Vilsack to Save Healthcare Reform!

How could former Governer and current Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack save healthcare reform? 

It's simple.  It's pretty obvious at this point that Senators Grassley and Baucus are the primary people tryng to kill all meaningful health care reform under the guise of being “centrist.”  Right now, Grassley can be as big of a jerk as he wants, despite living in a state that overwhelmingly voted for Obama, because he doesn't have any serious competitors for his Senate seat.  But, as the Research 2000 poll showed last December, Vilsack could give Grassley a run for his money.  If Vilsack jumps in, ASAP, then Grassley would have to run to the middle.  He'd have to actually legislate based on what Iowans want.  Which means, NO MORE sabotaging of Obama's health care reform!

 What do you think?


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  • Vilsack is happy where he is

    I can’t imagine why he would leave a cabinet post to run an uphill battle against a popular incumbent. He’s young enough to wait until 2016, when Grassley is very likely to retire.

    Moreover, we don’t need anyone to force Grassley to “run to the middle” on health care reform. We can pass that bill without a single Republican vote. All we need is for Senate Democrats to unite around a good bill. The obstacles are people like Max Baucus and Kent Conrad, and a White House that seems unwilling to turn the screws on them.
