{First, a cheap plug for my blog Senate Guru.}
Even in Iowa, I’m sure you’ve heard plenty about what’s going on with the still-unsettled Senate race in Minnesota.
While Republican Norm Coleman prolongs his endless and pointless appeals, cementing his admission into the Sore Losers Hall of Fame, progressive organizations Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee have introduced a new effort: NormDollar.com, “A Dollar a Day to Make Norm Go Away.” Very simply put, commit to contributing just one dollar per day for every day that sore loser Norm Coleman refuses to concede.

This is exactly the correct approach to take in order to provide Republican leadership in Washington with adequate disincentive from continuing to fund Coleman’s endless appeals. The GOP bigwigs funding Coleman’s appeals see value in putting their money toward keeping progressive Senator-elect Al Franken from being seated. This grassroots-powered effort will make them think twice by generating many thousands of dollars for progressive candidates for every single day that they fund the Coleman circus.
If you feel so inclined, you can certainly chip in a bit of change directly to the Franken Recount Fund, as well.
I like this campaign so much
that I’m in for two dollars a day. Thanks for cross-posting.
desmoinesdem Mon 20 Apr 6:12 AM
Monday afternoon update
From The Fix:
BREAKING: Coleman formally files appeal to MN Supreme Court. Lawyer says oral arguments could start “in two weeks or two months”.
desmoinesdem Mon 20 Apr 4:04 PM