Two good new ads from Obama

Another strong and presidential-looking commercial from Barack Obama:

Although I worry again about whether people will sit through a two-minute ad, I think he is in good form here. The message is clear and to the point. The Republicans are hitting Obama with tax-and-spend ads all over the place, so I think it’s helpful for him to explain what’s in his economic plan and that he won’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 per year.

Also, the relatively intimate setting of Obama speaking directly to the camera is a good antidote to the Republican spin about him being a hyped-up celebrity. Don’t know where this is running.

I also love this new anti-McCain ad called “Parachute,” which Obama is running on national cable networks:

We almost never watch television. Is anyone still seeing Obama or McCain ads in Iowa (I mean other than on national cable news networks)?  

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  • Ads in Iowa

    I hate to admit that I watch too much TV (via Tivo,) but I can assure you that both candidates’ ads are playing non-stop.  (A quick note: a friend told me they are both running constantly on the soaps, often back-to-back).

  • I like both of them

    The first one is long.  Maybe it is for the internet.

    • no, it's supposedly for tv

      even though it’s two minutes long. He also ran another two-minute ad a week or two ago.

      Seems very expensive as well as long. I don’t know which states it’s running in.
