Another day, another poll showing Obama above 50 in Iowa

This time it’s a Marist poll, conducted between September 18 and September 21, showing Barack Obama beating John McCain in Iowa by 51 percent to 41 percent. That makes five polls in the last month showing Obama above 50 percent and with a double-digit lead here.

How do you like not being a swing state anymore?

Remember, people need to vote for Democrats all the way down the ticket. If Obama wins Iowa by 10 points or more, we should be able to win seats in Congress and the state legislature.

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  • This is so surreal for me.

    After growing up in Minnesota, proud home of Hubert Humphrey and the DFL, I’ve spent most of my adult, politically-conscious life living in red states (Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina).  We lived in Iowa for a few years in the middle of the Clinton era, and I was so excited to return here just in time to get involved in the caucus process.  We live in Republican-heavy western Urbandale, so I can still claim my underdog status, by to feel Iowa (and I do mean feel it – since last November, like a wave slowly building in size and power) shift slowly but surely blue has been amazing.  Even in my precinct, I have 12 volunteers who have taken responsibility for turning out the Democratic vote in their assigned mini-precinct zones.  And the numbers, though not overwhelming, look pretty positive at this point.  Makes this Minnesota girl a bit emotional at times, and inspires me to keep working.

  • internal polls

    The Obama guy in my area has been telling me that their internal polls are not showing that big of advantage. He is saying that their polls are showing that it is much closer. I don’t know when or where those polls were taken, and it has certainly occurred to me that they may very well be just saying that so we don’t become complacent. But, I have seen this race switch on a dime before…and I really believe it could do it again. So let’s not celebrate yet. Let’s keep working as if the polls are tied and our victory is dependent on turnout…because it very well may be.

    I also think that Iowa seems to want to vote in incumbents–at least they seem to in my area. This works well for my state representative and senator since they are both democrat. It also works fine for Harkin. But I’m concerned that it will work against Becky. When we are campaigning for Obama we do need to talk to people about the other democrats…especially those who are trying to unseat republicans.  
