To William Meyers: Turn In Your Signatures, Sir!


As a loyal supporter, I am just begging you to get your signatures in tomorrow.  As I have written before, I will send you a contribution if you get on the ballot.

A write in campaign will not work and all of your hard work will be lost.  You can win this thing if you get on the ballot. 

If you do not get on the ballot because you did not get your signatures in, I will have to either stay at home on Nov. 4 or vote for Tom Latham.  I refuse to vote for Greenwald after what she and her goons did to you.

Please, William.  There are a lot of us here in the 4th District who are waiting for you.  Don't let us down.  Drive your signatures to Mr. Mauro tomorrow and lets work towards a new day in America.

Your website is great but it won't matter at all if you aren't on the ballot.  Greenwald and Latham won't allow you to debate them if you aren't on the ballot.  Make this happen.  Get on the ballot and lets change the world.  Get on the ballot, William.   Don't let me down.  Please.  My faith in government and politics rests in your cause.

-Bill J. Spencer

About the Author(s)

Bill Spencer

  • I really doubt that the media

    who may host debates (if any take place) will invite William Meyers to participate, whether or not he is on the ballot.

    I have no idea whether you are sincere in your belief that Meyers “can win this thing” and change the world (!) if he gets on the ballot. To my knowledge, no third-party candidate has ever won a race for Congress or statewide office in Iowa.

    My advice to you is not to let your “faith in government and politics” rest on any one candidate or any one race. We’ve all had the experience of supporting candidates who did not win a primary.

    Look at lorih–she has gone out canvassing for Obama instead of stewing over Hillary Clinton not winning the presidential nomination, threatening to vote for McCain or stay home if Hillary is not on the ballot.

    Later this morning, I’m going to hear a woman who’s been close to the Clintons for 15 years but is now helping the Obama campaign reach out to women voters.

    • It says on his website

      Subsequently, I surrendered my signatures to party leaders, who promised immediate action on these rules. Upon surrender of my signatures, Democratic leadership once again shut the door on me and now ensuring my name will not appear on the ballot. Now, once again we are left without a real choice on November’s ballot. YOU MUST WRITE ME IN UNDER U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FOR DISTRICT 4.

      To my knowledge it only takes 300 Signatures to get your name on the ballot, is he trying to say that after running as an independant for the last 2 1/2 months he has not been able to gather 300 signatures for ballot recogonition?

      Now he thinks he is going to win through a write in campaign?

      It just leaves me scratching my head

  • signatures

    It is not that far from Boone to Des Moines.  If he wanted too he could have driven down to Des Moines and turned in the signatures to the Secretary of State.  If he couldn’t have afforded the gas to drive I am sure he could have called one of his dozens of supporters on the petition papers to drive him to the state capital.

    The press release makes no sense at all.  Why would the Democratic Party make a deal with an individual that wasn’t going to have any impact on the election at all.

  • He Didn't Try - Did he Care?

    I guess William didn’t really want it.  If he really wanted to win, which it now appears he didn’t care at all, he would have gotten on the ballot.

    Instead, he just gave up and started complaining.  I’m sure he had a day or two to get 300 signatures again.  He could have just gone door to door in Boone or Dakota City – even this morning – and gotten people to sign at the last minute.

    Instead, William just gave up.   I guess he didn’t care.

    I had such hopes for William.  I was planning to donate $100 to Mr. Meyers.

    Sorry William.  You clearly didn’t want to try.  You gave up.  
