William Meyers Still Running?

Is William Meyers from Humboldt/Boone still running for Congress as an independent against Latham and that woman?

His website still is listed as “under construction” and he apparently has not filed yet – I really wish he would.

This guy could win folks – he really could.  I wish he would either get going and file and get in the race officially. 

William, if you read this, I really want you to run.  I'll help you – send you a donation for sure.   There are others like me out there and we admire what you've done with the smoking ban.  You are right on. 

Please run William.  Iowa and America are waiting for you.

About the Author(s)

Bill Spencer

  • tooth fairy

    This guy could win folks-he really could.  If you believe in the tooth fairy.  Lil Willie came in third in a four way race.  With a very impressive 13% of the vote.  He avoided last place by 200 votes. WOW what a strong showing.  In the general election he won’t even get 4,000 votes.  Whoop de Do.  If this clown wants to run then run.  If he wants to jump in a lake who cares.  If he wants to stand on the dome of the State Capital who cares.  If he wants to swim in the sewage lagoon at a Dekoster Farm.  Then he should.  But who cares

    “That Woman” ran an impressive campaign and got 51% of the vote in the same four way race.

    “That Woman” has been knocking on doors and working to elect progressives since 1974.

    “That Woman” is now working to raise the funds to defeat Latham in the fall.

    “That Woman” and her campaign staff has moved this district from Likely Republican to Leans Republican.  I am not going to say she will beat Latham but she can.  She will need some luck but she can win this race.

    If Lil Willie wants to act like three year old spoiled brat and run then run.  But I will guarentee one thing.  If he ever runs for office again as a Democrat he will regret this decesion.  The party activitist will not forget this.  

  • maybe he got sidetracked

    putting together that website on repealing the smoking ban.

    I find it amazing that you continue to claim that he could beat Tom Latham and Becky Greenwald. If Greenwald got four times as many votes as Meyers in the primary, how would Meyers win the general? A lot of people vote straight ticket and wouldn’t even consider a third-party candidate.

    I voted for the Green Party candidate for secretary of agriculture in 2002 because I wanted to make a point. But I wouldn’t have presumed to tell other people he could win.

  • May Not Matter

    I have been trying to find out from William if he is going to file his papers and actually run.  Yes, he has a nice website but that does not matter if he is not on the ballot.

    I don’t think he’ll be allowed to debate if he isn’t on the ballot.  If he does not get on the ballot, Latham and Greenwald aren’t going to allow him a spot on the stage to debate.

    As of tonight, William has not filed his papers and so I may either have to vote for Latham or sit at home in November if William does not get his act together and get his papers in by tomorrow.

    I offered to help Mr. Meyers get his signatures but he never took me up on the offer.  

    William, if you are reading this, please get your signatures in by tomorrow at 5 PM.  I, and many others, will be deeply saddened if you do not get your signatures in tomorrow.

    -Bill Spencer
