Obama Berlin speech open thread

Haven’t had a chance to watch the speech, but I hear it was a great one. Meteor Blades says, “By This Foreign Policy Speech Will Future Ones Be Measured”:


Todd Beeton had the bizarre experience of listening to the speech with Rush Limbaugh adding snide remarks from time to time:


What did you think?

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  • Slow start, brilliant finish

    I was watching on a little teeny screen in the middle of my monitor, so probably not getting the full effect, but I thought he was smokin’ by the end.  And my opinion was confirmed by A.B. Stoddard on MSNBC.  She thought it was “boring,” and she is totally in the tank for McCain, so I am probably on to something.

    I liked Ron Reagan’s observation that it’s nice to see Europeans waving American flags instead of burning our president in effigy.  If Obama is elected, he will change the conversation with our allies, who currently think we are liars and cowboys.

  • Update

    John Stewart wanted to know whether the American flags being waved by the crowd were broken, because they weren’t on fire.
