Obama campaign holding "strategy session" today in Des Moines

Calling all volunteer foot soldiers: the Obama campaign has been working the phones for a “strategy session” that will be held today, Tuesday, at Dos Rios restaurant (4th and Court in downtown Des Moines) beginning at 5:30.

I don’t know which prominent Iowa Democrats will be there, but if you live in central Iowa and plan to volunteer for Obama this year, it sounds like a good event for you.

UPDATE: In the comments, noneed4thneed says former Governor Tom Vilsack will speak at this event.

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  • Gov. Vilsack will be speaking

    Just got an email that said Vilsack will be speaking at what they called a Unit for Change Meeting.

  • Not sure how much strategy will be discussed because I got a media advisory about the event

    • well, they are calling it a 'strategy session'

      in their phone calls to activists, but I agree with you.

      • No strategy

        Yes, the meeting was definitely billed as a ‘strategy session’ when the campaign called me a few days ago.  But it was  nothing like a strategy meeting.  Media was there, there were a couple of quick updates from the campaign, and Tom Miller and Tom Vilsack spoke.  A pretty much pointless happening, trying to tout unity and get people who were active in caucuses re-engaged.  

        I don’t know if the plan for the meeting changed when they got Vilsack on the agenda.  But I think it’s not good practice to invite people to meetings under a false premise.  Next time I get an invite like this, I’ll be sure to grill the campaign a bit about the real purpose of the meeting.  I’m a political junkie and have been active in the Obama campaign, but I consider my time to be pretty valuable and don’t like wasting it.

        • I don't blame you

          for being annoyed. A message left on my answering machine described it as a “strategy session,” and when I called back to clarify before writing the post, someone from the campaign explicitly confirmed to me the “strategy session” wording.

          Sounds like they are trying to build on recent media coverage about McCain having nothing going on in terms of Iowa ground game.
