
First off, there where some questions I felt should be answered about William Meyers, Independant Candidate for Congress in District 4.  

1. DemWebs is William Meyers own creation. And is doing a splendid job helping out Democrats not only statewide but around America.

2. Meyers position on Iraq does not mirror Steven King's. As a close personal friend of William and a chief organizer of his primary campaign, I do not see how you could even come close to the assumption.

3. Meyer's view on immigration is closer to the center than most democrats, but not even close to Steve King.

4. As for Meyers taking votes away… If he would have quickly endorsed Becky Greenwald and actively campaigned for her, which I had constantly pleaded with him to do. I believe that he would have been able to swing quite a few moderates toward Greenwald and would have enraged enough Pro-Veteran Republicans to the point where they would stay home. Although some see his 1200 or so primary votes as insignificant, I would like to remind people that these are not straight party votes, a lot of his votes were from former Republicans or apathics

This race would have been an uphill climb for anyone but if the stars would have alligned, we could have really had a chance. Here's what I mean…

 1. Kurt Meyer, who was a distant second, barely recieving half the votes of Greenwald did a noble thing in offering her his support. Kurt is a good Democrat and above all wants to see the ideals his campaign stands for recognized than he ever wanted to hold the office himself. Also the Northern part of the district will recieve more Democratic votes merely by the presence of his support.

2. William Meyers could have immediately put his differences with Becky behind him and been a very vocal voice in her campaign. Suprising to the lay person, Becky holds very much the same ideals as William, differing only on immigration. William Meyer's strong netroots, appeal to moderate voters and the fact that he has served in the Armed Forces (where as Latham is all but a draft dodger), would have brought a swelling in grassroots support and support from the Northwestern more rural part of the district.

3. Miskell was embarrassed on Primary night. Plain and simple. I dont see a facet for him the district at all.

 4. We have great legislative races that will undoubtedly help the upticket and candidates (to name a few) like Bailey, Miller, Wessel-Krochell, Temere and Sodders who, if they need to or not are actively campaigning and bringing more democratic votes to the whole ticket

***Nothing makes me more upset than when a State Rep or Senator sits back during election season, merely because they are unapposed or otherwise guarenteed*******

 5. We have Barack Obama expanding his network in the State. We have John McCain ignoring Iowa. We have Tom Harkin who, for the first time, does not have a decent opponent and can help out his friend Becky Greenwald, while his Republican Counterpart (Grassley) is all but a ghost during this election year.

I could also talk about the “Coulda runs” (Dinsdale, Spencer, Sen. Beall, Sen. Olive) who are all coming out in support for Becky, or the immense support from many women's groups, for what would be the first congresswoman from Iowa, etc. etc. etc.


It is so close to being the perfect storm that we need to send Latham home once and for all that it excites me just to be a part of it. I hope many of you, even the ones out of the district, share in my enthusiasm!

About the Author(s)


  • thank you for clarifying some things

    Do you have any idea whether William Meyers is actively pursuing his bid for Congress?

    Someone in a different thread claimed to have seen him on the Obama float in the Humboldt parade yesterday. Presumably if he were working on his own campaign he would have been marching under his own banner rather than with the Obama folks.

    I would like to see William Meyers engaged in other Democrats’ campaigns, whether or not he feels inspired to help Becky Greenwald. As you say, there are plenty of candidates for the state House or Senate in the 4th district counties who need volunteer energy.

    • As far as I know, he is still persuing his bid

      I also heard he was up there.

      William is very passionate about his support for Obama.

      I can only guess that he wanted to show his support for Democratic candidates because he wanted people to see him actively campaigning for a democratic candidate, and also because of the recent drama with the Iowa Party restructuring to mainly support Obama, he probably wants to get in good with these people early, that is what I would have done, but that is all just speculation, I have no insider information.

      I can personally tell you that William Meyers openly endorses and supports many various State Rep and Senate candidates. Most notably, Rep. McKinley Bailey, Senate Candidate Steve Sodders, Rep. candidate Susan Radke and alot that are out of the district.
